The Village of Flower Hill has recently renovated the Village Hall and the Park. We host many board and committee meetings including Board of Trustees Meetings, Zoning Board Meetings, Building Permit Review Committee and Planning Board.
We would love to see you at our monthly Board meetings which are always open to the public. It is the perfect opportunity for you to bring us any questions or concerns you may have and to learn about what is going on in the Village.
Dear Neighbor,
I hope this email finds you and your family well as we continue to face tumultuous times. I know the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the resulting violence left many of the residents I have spoken with shaken. Last week, I spoke directly with both County Executive Laura Curran and Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder about resources that were deployed in our community and I know they are continuing to monitor developments. In addition, the Mayors of the surrounding Villages were in close contact sharing information and coordinating updates.
Like all of you, I am committed to making our Village the best in New York State and that starts with standing up to injustice, inequality, religious intolerance, and racism in any form. The events of recent days have reinforced how important standing up to hate is. I hope you will join me in redoubling our community efforts to be a welcoming and tolerant community. I have also requested a full review of our policies and procedures to ensure we are not unintentionally promoting such discrimination.
I also want to reinforce that we still have a very real public health crisis due to COVID-19. Even though restrictions are being lifted and our economy is starting to reopen in phases, the virus is still out there. I plead with every resident to make sure they are using masks when necessary and washing hands frequently so we do not end up back where we were several weeks ago. Once again, I want to thank the medical professionals, other essential workers, and your families for the sacrifices you made and are making to keep us safe.
Please read the attached pdf for more information on our new Trustee Mary Jo Collins, a tax extension, budget update, new and proposed laws, Extenet, and much more. Our next board meeting is Monday July 6, 2020, feel free to contact me at or by calling Village Hall at 516-627-5000. Visit our website or follow us on Facebook for more information on many of these topics. Please stay safe!
Respectfully yours,
Brian Herrington

Dear Neighbor-
I hope you are having a great summer and had wonderful 4th of July! We continue to see cases of COVID-19 remain at low levels but our safety actions today determine where we are tomorrow. Let’s continue to wear masks and utilize social distancing to stop the spread. We experienced our first Tropical Storm of the season this weekend with heavy rain and some wind which caused power outages. Thanks to our Public Works Superintendent Rich Falcones and his team for coming in after hours to remove trees from roads! Do not wait until the last minute and make sure you are prepared for hurricane season, the American Red Cross has some great tips you can view on their website (Link).
At this month’s Board of Trustee’s meeting we had a special presentation on traffic calming devices such as speed tables and cushions that could be used around the Village to help combat speeding. Like you I am frustrated by the continued lack of care many drivers show. While we have tried education and added stop signs in some key locations, we must do more. That is why working with the Board and our staff, I would like to begin a pilot program to test some of these devices. In addition, we are moving forward with a request for proposals to complete a traffic study to address speeding and other traffic issues throughout the Village.
The Board also approved two of my requests to modernize the Village and enhance service to our residents. First, I am happy to announce that the Village will now be able to accept payments online for all Village transactions. The Board authorized me to enter into a contract with GovPayNet to begin providing an online payment system, we expect to have it up and running in about 30 days. All payments can continue to be done in person, but adding this new feature to our website embraces technology and will also help reduce traffic into Village Hall as part of our response to COVID-19.
Second, we will begin using Constant Contact to provide non-emergency electronic communications to the Village. This system will allow us to better communicate information and understand what topics residents are interested in. Please look for additional information on how to sign up for this new community e-newsletter but in the meantime you can send us your email address at to sign up.
I have also created a few advisory committees to help the Village develop ideas and plans for the future. Thank you to the residents who have agreed to volunteer their time. Please keep an eye out on plans from these committees to engage you for input and feedback.
Parks & Beautification: Identify ideas for improving our Park through new/improved structures, events and beautification of our traffic islands and other Village properties. Trustee Collins, Trustee Lewandowski, and resident Chris Ferraro
Landscaping: Monitor implementation of new landscaping laws for improvements or alterations that need to be addressed. Trustee Rosenbaum, Trustee Collins, residents Nancy Yee and Adam Bell, landscaping industry representative Aldo Calabrese.
Sustainability: Develop a Village sustainability plan to improve Village operations and services and review feasibility of becoming a NYS Climate Smart Community. Trustee Beber, Trustee Genese, resident Claire Dorfman.
I would also like to congratulate Damian Pieper, a Manhasset resident, on his appointment as Associate Justice. The position has been vacant since the beginning of the year. Justice Resiman requested the additional support as Court is scheduled to resume in August.
Finally, I have directed the Village Administrator to begin a new long term planning process to build an updated five year plan for the Village. This plan will identify how we can improve infrastructure and services to our residents in a fiscally responsible way. The staff will prepare this plan for public input and review by the Board in the fall of this year.
The next Board of Trustees meeting will be at 7:30 pm Monday August 3, 2020. Please visit our website for more details but we will be revisiting our new landscaping laws to consider a waiver to our “Quiet Saturdays” Commercial Landscaping Law so residents can prepare for social functions and also to review the gas blower summer time restrictions.
Please enjoy the rest of the summer and continue to be smart and help us fight COVID-19!
Respectfully yours,
Brian Herrington