The History of Flower Hill, New York
By Mitchell M. Schwartz, Village Historian, 2022

Flower Hill is a village with an impressive history. Despite only being incorporated in 1931, history can be traced back much further – all the way back to Colonial times. It was during this time period when the first European settlers inhabited the area, which was home to the people of the Matinecock Nation for centuries prior (the Manhanset Nation, for which Manhasset is named, actually inhabited lands further to the east, on Shelter Island). And our area’s natural history can be traced back even further – all the way to prehistoric times, when our area was dominated by glaciers.
The Name
The name Flower Hill was chosen for the area long before Flower Hill became an incorporated village, when cows grazed by a flower garden upon a local hill by an old brook south of modern-day Village Hall. While it is unknown who specifically chose the name, many speculate that a farmer’s wife or daughter came up with it, as the local folklore goes.
Flower Hill’s Geography
Like the rest of Long Island’s North Shore, our village’s hilly geography was shaped during prehistoric times thousands of years ago by glaciers during the Wisconsin Glaciation Period. These glaciers extended as far south as Long Island, forming a terminal moraine known as the Harbor Hill Moraine (named for the hill of the same name located in nearby East Hills). This terminal moraine marks the southernmost extent of the Wisconsin Glacial Episode and cut through the western part of an earlier moraine in the area, called the Ronkonkoma Moraine. This is why a flat outwash plain known as the Hempstead Plains exists only a few miles to our south. That large, flat area, which saw extensive development following the Second World War, is the only natural prairie east of the Allegheny Mountains.
On this part of Long Island, the Harbor Hill Moraine acts in a manner similar to a continental divide. All water north of the moraine’s crest – or its highest points (which in our area passes through the Village of Roslyn Estates, which is one of our adjacent neighbors to the south) drains north to the Long Island Sound or its tributaries. All water to its south drains south to the Atlantic Ocean and its tributaries. This is why all stormwater in Flower Hill drains to Hempstead Harbor, Leeds Pond, and Whitney Pond – all of which ultimately flow into the Long Island Sound. Similarly, that is why the northern portions of Roslyn Estates drain north to the Long Island Sound and its tributaries while the southern portions drain south to the Mill River, which flows into the South Shore bays and ultimately into the Atlantic Ocean – despite being located significantly closer to the Long Island Sound and its tributaries.
These glaciers were also responsible for the creation of Hempstead Harbor, which forms a portion of our village’s eastern border.
The highest point in Flower Hill is on Ridge Drive East just east of Sycamore Drive in the Roslyn portion of our village, at approximately 219 feet above sea level. The lowest point, Hempstead Harbor, is located at sea level.

Early Settlers, Farmers, & the Old Village
According to Carlos W. Munson, our village’s founding father, many of the area’s earliest European settlers were of Dutch and English heritage and included members of the Hewlett and Willets families. Eventually, the European settlers divided the land into many farms with a wall extending from Manhasset Bay to Hempstead Harbor, leading to the granting of gate rights for farmers who maintained gates in the fence; the Hewlett family was one of the original holders of these rights in the area. As per a 1703 map cited by Munson, each gate right was approximately 20 acres of land when divided. The farms in Flower Hill were in an ideal location, as goods would be produced and then taken down either to Manhasset Bay in Manhasset or Port Washington or to Hempstead Harbor in Roslyn, and then shipped to New York City and beyond.
Records show that by the American Revolution, the heart of the old village was centered around modern-day Port Washington Boulevard, Bonnie Heights Road, and Country Club Drive – just as the heart of modern-day Flower Hill is today. Back then, Flower Hill consisted of several buildings common for a small town: a general store, a cemetery, a village well, a blacksmith, and a tavern, to name a few; rumor has it that Daniel Ireland, the owner of the tavern, sold spirits to American and British soldiers in the Revolution.

The farmers in this early Flower Hill originally found much success, and it is said that they had choice silverware and mantles comparable to those of the mansions in Manhattan. The locals took great pride in their community, ensuring that it was maintained and cared for in the most immaculate of ways. These farmers would occasionally go into Manhattan to sell their goods – first by boat from a pier on Hempstead Harbor or Manhasset Bay and then by carriage following the creation of the Flushing and North Hempstead Turnpike (now known as Northern Boulevard).
Towards the end of the 19th century, however, luck ran out for these farmers. Many of the farmers did not realize the importance of rotating crops, and as a result, their soil became less fertile and their yields became less and less. This resulted in many farmers migrating to Manhattan in search of jobs. In their place came immigrant farmers who immigrated to the United States from Europe to flee poverty and send money back to their families back home. These farmers were able to make some money – but were still barely able to make ends meet. Many would frequent the tavern late into the night to drink. The once immaculate farming community fell into disrepair, rowdiness, and a state of poverty.
The Flower Hill Renaissance, 1900s – 1920s
Things would begin changing in the blighted community starting in the 1890s, when the Long Island Rail Road was extended from Great Neck to Port Washington. New Yorkers looking to flee the hustle and bustle of city life found the country-like landscape of Cow Neck to be the perfect escape, and began vacationing and settling in the area full-time, purchasing some of these old farms. Then, in the early 20th century, these changes would become even more dramatic when Carlos W. Munson, the heir to the Munson Steamship Company, settled in the area after purchasing one of these farms. One evening soon after Carlos and his wife, Mabel moved in, they took a walk, and in Carlos’ words saw “the tumble-down buildings and the carousing of drunken men,” which distressed the couple. This resulted in Carlos purchasing the land in order to remove the drunks from the area. Munson would soon begin to have portions of his estate, which he had named Elderfields, developed; this was the
inception of the modern Flower Hill.
The dilapidated buildings were demolished, and in their place, winding new roads were placed, sprawling homes were built, and the blight was soon a mere memory. This new development, known as “The Real Estate Development of Flower Hill, Long Island,” was planned out by developer Thomas Benton Ackerson (famous for developing sections of Brooklyn to the west and Brightwaters in Suffolk County to the east). Ackerson moved to Roslyn Heights in order to better supervise the construction of this new residential subdivision in Flower Hill.
A notable (and often forgotten) feature in the Flower Hill area during this time period was the presence of the New York & North Shore Traction Company. This trolley company operated two trolley lines in the area: the North Shore Line and the Port Washington Line. Roslyn was a junction for both of these lines, and a trolley yard was constructed on the northwestern corner of the Northern Boulevard/Middle Neck Road intersection; the yard was supplemented by an adjacent brick substation.
The trolleys operated between the 1900s and the early 1920s, and were eventually replaced by bus services.
This period also saw the birth of St. Francis Hospital, which likely would not have been possible without “the carousing of drunken men” and a friendship. It was around this time when two sisters from the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary approached the Munson house to try and sell handmade embroideries for charity. Carlos and Mabel quickly formed a friendship with the sisters, and eventually offered them 15 acres of this land. The sisters accepted the offer, and in 1922, they established the Saint Francis Home and would bring in poor children from New York City during the summer months.
Our “War” for Independence, 1930 – 1931
In 1930, news broke that Port Washington planned on incorporating itself as a city, taking in all unincorporated areas within the boundaries of the Port Washington Union Free School District. This meant that Flower Hill would be its most precious source of tax revenue, as Sands Point had already incorporated itself as a village. Flower Hillers were not at all pleased and were determined to fight the proposal, as they refused to be used for the sole benefit of Port Washington without getting anything in return. In Munson’s words, “Maybe we did not organize a Boston Tea Party, but we did organize ourselves and we did employ counsel to go to Albany and fight the bill that would have made us vassals to an Overlord.” Residents decided the best way to fight and preserve sovereignty would be to incorporate Flower Hill as a village. This would require taking in a significant area, as the laws required that in order for a prospective village to hold a vote to incorporate themselves, a minimum of 250 residents were required to sign a petition.
On March 13, 1931, the residents of Flower Hill signed the petition and were in favor of holding a vote to incorporate the area as a village. This was our “shot heard ’round the world.”
After contentious fights with Port Washington and two blocked votes, the residents voted unanimously in Munson’s real estate office on April 27, 1931 to incorporate Flower Hill as a village, and the Incorporated Village of Flower Hill was born. Our certification arrived from Albany about a month later, and Port Washington’s big plans were met with a crushing death; to this day, Port Washington remains an unincorporated hamlet governed by the Town of North Hempstead.
The First Village Meeting, May 12, 1931
The first village meeting occurred on May 12, 1931 inside of Munson’s real estate office (today, this is the location of Village Hall). This meeting was a crucial one, as it involved building our government and selecting its officials. Initially, locals offered the mayorship to Munson. Although flattered, he refused the position. The position was then given to Arthur G. Elvin, and Munson was substituted in as a village trustee.
The First Ten Years, 1931 – 1941
The first few years of a municipality can be thought of similarly to those of a child. It needs nursing, care, and training. Here in Flower Hill, some of the issues which required tending to during the early years included the questions of service providers (i.e.: fire, police, water, etc.), creating codes and ordinances, establishing zoning, and ironing out all of the other knots which inevitably exist in any new municipal government.
These first few years also saw quite a bit of residential development. The 1930s saw the construction of several new subdivisions, such as but not limited to the Colonial Estates subdivision (developed by Newell & Daniel) and Section 1 of the Rolling Wood subdivision (developed by Ley Homes, Inc.), along with portions of the Flower Hill Estates subdivision (developed by Walter Uhl).
Arguably the most famous and well-known of these early subdivisions is Flower Hill Estates. In the late 1930s, developer Walter G. Uhl came to Flower Hill and began to purchase large portions of the Hewlett family’s farm. On this land, Uhl would develop sections 1 through 5 of the Flower Hill Estates subdivision. The first section to be built consisted of the northeastern parts of Country Club Drive, along with a small part of Hewlett Lane. The media frequently reported on its development and construction, famously highlighting how Uhl’s homes were built in the colonial style in order to blend in with the existing surroundings and how the homes complimented the area’s natural beauty (Uhl even reused old wood beams from local farms as features within his homes).
By the close of the decade, the amount of household rubbish in Flower Hill increased so much due to the amount of suburban development and the resulting increase in residents in our village that it proved to be too much for the Village to handle and collect on its own. It became evident that help was needed, and in 1940, the Village of Flower Hill contracted with a carting company for the first time; the contracted company would collect from certain areas of the Flower Hill while the Village would continue collecting on its own from other areas. Commercial establishments within the Village were still to arrange for waste collection on their own. The winner of the first garbage contract bid, Donno, Inc., would serve Flower Hill consistently for a span of over 30 years.
On July 7, 1940, Carlos Munson died at the Port Washington Doctor’s Sanitarium in Port Washington. He was 79 years old. Shortly after his death, the Village attempted to rename Bonnie Heights Road “for the perpetuation of his memory,” as stated in the minutes from the first Board of Trustees meeting the day after his death. The two proposed names were “Munson Road” and “Carlos Munson Road,” with the latter being preferred by officials as they felt it was more descriptive.
Despite the efforts made to rename the road to formally memorialize our village’s founding father, the plans were unsuccessful for unknown reasons. It wouldn’t be until July 12, 2021 when Munson would be honored with a named feature in Flower Hill: Carlos W. Munson Green on Elderfields Road.
Flower Hill and the World War II Years, 1941 – 1945
For Flower Hill and many other governments throughout the United States, much of 1941 was a waiting game. Minutes from government meetings make it very clear that officials in our area knew the United States would enter the Big War – it was only a matter of when and in which theatre. Wartime civil defense agencies were set up, local governments were grouped together to plan, protect, and prepare, and there was an ominous sense of anticipation in the air. Then came December 7, 1941. On that day, the American base at Pearl Harbor in the Territory of Hawaii was bombed by Japan, and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave it to us straight: the United States of America had officially entered the Second World War.
Our entrance into World War II led to material shortages, as certain materials were needed by the United States for the war efforts. These shortages impacted the residential development which had started in Flower Hill only a few years prior. Construction of the earliest sections of the Broadridge subdivision (developed starting just before our entrance into World War II by Garry & Co.) and Uhl’s Flower Hill Estates development came to sudden standstills. Local patriots went overseas to fight. Munson’s former real estate office, which was still serving as the headquarters of Flower Hill’s government, was designated as a drafting location. At one point, the Port Washington area’s war effort committee even requested that an air raid signaling system be placed somewhere within the Port Washington portion of Flower Hill for the purpose of civil defense. It was an age of anxiety – but also an age of patriotism and unity.
In 1944, Levitt & Sons purchased a large portion of Munson’s former estate with the intention of developing a 164-home development named Strathmore at Flower Hill (later changed to Munson Estate). Levitt & Sons also assumed ownership of Munson’s real estate office, as indicated by old newspaper articles and by land surveys and plat maps. The Village of Flower Hill would lease the building monthly from Levitt & Sons until purchasing the property and building a purpose-built village office building; in 1948, the rent was $21.00 per month (1948 USD).
The Post-World War II Years, 1945 – 2000
In 1948, voters in Flower Hill voted in favor of constructing a purpose-built village hall to replace Carlos Munson’s former, aging real estate office, which had become severely infested by termites to the point inspectors determined that the costs of repairing the building were unfeasible and impractical. This new building, designed by Roslyn-based architect Henry W. Johanson was designed to only contain the services essential to run a village government, such as a clerk’s office, a vault, and a meeting room. This was due to the fact that there was considerable opposition from residents at the time over constructing the building. Village Hall opened in early 1949, and the first Board of Trustees meeting took place within the new building on February 24, 1949.
At the start of that meeting, the Board of Trustees requested the following be recorded within the minutes of the February 24, 1949 meeting to mark the occasion:
“The Board directed it be recorded that this is the first meeting of the Board of Trustees to be held in the new Village Hall.”
By the late 1940s, it was also becoming very apparent that there was a significant amount of opposition to Levitt’s plans for the subdivision. On November 15, 1948, Levitt filed building application permits for the first 40 homes, after being warned that there was a chance the Village’s building codes would be changed; these permits were never approved by the Village. The matter arose during village meetings, and a special meeting took place on December 3, 1948, during which the minimum floor area allowed for homes in A–3 residential areas was increased. This effectively meant that Levitt’s plans could not be approved as they did not conform to the building codes.
This caused Levitt to file suit against Flower Hill in an attempt for the courts to force Flower Hill to approve of the building permits. The suit was ultimately dropped by Levitt, to which our then-Village Attorney, Edward S. Bentley, stated in Newsday the following remarks:
“We are happy that Levitt dropped the suit. He did it because he knew he would be licked.”
Ultimately, Levitt never built any homes in our village. However, the roads in the southern part of the Flower Hill Country Estates subdivision, which was built over the cancelled Levitt development using an adopted version of Levitt’s plans, were planned out by Levitt, as apparent in old minutes and the deeds of dedication for those roads; those roads include Crabapple Road, Oaktree Lane, Elm Drive, and Walnut Lane, amongst others.
In 1951, Flower Hill witnessed one of its first contested elections. The source of all the contention was, in the words of then-Mayor Lawrence Bradley, “the utterly stupid question of whether or not coffee and cake should be served at village meetings.” The Flower Hill Association had desired to serve coffee and doughnuts after meetings at Village Hall, which was still quite new. When the Board of Trustees denied the request, the civic group declared war and backed new candidates to oust the incumbents who were against “gastronomical delight,” in the words of Newsday in the article “The (W)hole Thing Sounds Silly but Coffee, Sinkers are Political.” Despite the intense food fight fought by the Flower Hill Association and a standing room-only meeting on the matter at the Strathmore Bath Club in the Strathmore section of Manhasset, the incumbents were re-elected to the Board of Trustees – a pie in the face to the Flower Hill Association.
It was also around this time when the Roslyn Union Free School District opened the former Roslyn–Flower Hill Elementary School, which opened on January 12, 1953 to address the massive school enrollment spike in the area resulting from the post-war baby-boom. The school, which was designed by the Manhattan-based firm of Moore & Hutchins, was built as part of the same district project as the East Hills Elementary School in East Hills and the former Highland Elementary School in Roslyn Estates. Also known as the “Flower Hill Neighborhood School” or simply as the “Flower Hill School,” the school was frequently used as a meeting place for village meetings – perhaps most notably during a contentious debate in the 1970s on whether or not an area along West Shore Road should be downzoned. Like the Highland School, which was also designed by Moore & Hutchins and also featured 5 classrooms, Flower Hill’s “progressive” design was noted by The New York Times as being one of the first of its type in this part of New York, as unlike a conventional elementary school, it was designed to be “home like” in order to make it easier for younger children to adjust to the classroom environment from the home environment.
The population explosion which took place during the baby-boom era and the rise of suburbia led to the construction of many of Flower Hill’s housing developments. Development in the remainder of the Broadridge development in the Roslyn portion of the village was completed following a construction halt during World War II. The Flower Hill Country Estates development, which is split between the parts of Flower Hill located within the boundaries of the Manhasset and Port Washington Union Free School Districts and known for being where the late Metropolitan Opera and Broadway star Miriam “Mimi” Benzell resided within our village, was developed over the former Munson and Ricks estates in the late 1940s and the 1950s by Country Estates, Inc. The Pinewood at Flower Hill development in the Manhasset portion of Flower Hill was developed by Meadows–Tierney in the 1950s, consisting of splanch-type homes over a portion of the D’Oench family’s former Sunset Hill estate. The Roslyn Hills development, which was constructed in the 1950s over the Anderson/Hearst estate, was developed by the Greenway Construction Corporation, headed by George Bailey (no relation to the developer of the same name in It’s A Wonderful Life). The Chanticlare at Flower Hill development was developed by Skyline Woods, Inc. in the 1960s over the last remaining portion of the
Ricks family’s Chanticlare estate. The Flower Hill Garden Apartments on Middle Neck Road, developed by Feist Realty, were also constructed in the 1960s. The twin apartment buildings on the property were designed by architect, Holocaust survivor, veteran, and author Siegmund Spiegel, whose office was located in East Meadow.
Other developments constructed within our village during the 1960s include Stratford Woods (Colony Lane) and Wildwood at Flower Hill (Woodland Road).
In 1974, the Village of Flower Hill had proposed purchasing the area which now consists of the Heritage Hills at Flower Hill housing development (also known as Overlook Estates), which includes all of Maple Drive, the southern portion of Birchdale Lane, and the easternmost portion of Cherrywood Lane. This proposal, which was made by former Mayor Louis B. Resnick’s administration, shortly after Seymour Malman, who had planned to develop the area, abandoned the plans.
The park proposal was defeated when the overwhelming majority of residents voted it down during a referendum vote on December 12 of that year. The park would have been for the exclusive use of Flower Hill’s residents and would have included amenities including but not limited to a playground, walking paths, a stage, tennis courts, and senior facilities.
Development in this area was delayed for many years due to a humus bog being located there, as it was the site of an old swamp. However, shortly after the park proposal was called off, the area was finally developed by Holiday Park Industries in the late 1970s. This development is split evenly between the Port Washington and Roslyn Union Free School Districts.
In 1980, the Roslyn–Flower Hill Elementary School was closed by the Roslyn Union Free School District due to declining enrollment numbers – a consequence of the end of the baby-boom era. For a short time afterwards, it was used as a daycare before being sold. When the property went up for sale, the Village of Flower Hill attempted to purchase the property in order to use it as a village park, which was something desired by many Flower Hillers residing in the area. However, these attempts were unsuccessful as Flower Hill’s bid was not the highest. Instead, the N & H Development Corporation’s $620,000 bid (1982 USD) was the highest, and after taking ownership, the developers subdivided the property into 8 lots and constructed 8 single-family homes in a development known as Mashady Estates.
The final remaining portion of the Hewlett family’s farm was sold off in the 1980s, as well. This area, which consists of East Gate and West Gate Roads, was developed by Ivo Matkovic as the Hewlett Farm housing development. Matkovic incorporated the historic Hewlett family mansion into the development, making it the centerpiece of the subdivision. This mansion survived until the late 2010s, when it was purchased and demolished. The lot was then subdivided and two new, smaller homes were built on the site of the former mansion.
Other developments built during the 1980s and 1990s include the Harbor Village cluster homes off West Shore Road and the Manhasset Glen subdivision, which is split between Flower Hill and Plandome and constructed over a part of former Mayor John W. Walter’s estate (hence why the street in the subdivision is named Walter Lane); the construction of Manhasset Glen was completed in the early 2000s.
Village Hall was expanded in the 1990s using plans drawn up by Martin DePasquale. This project included the construction of a new conference room off of the back of the building. It also brought the building into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
2000 – Present
Village Hall was renovated again in the 2000s. This project included the enlargement of the new conference room and modernizing the interior of the building.
In 2006, the Village of Flower Hill celebrated its 75th Anniversary. To celebrate, a time capsule, which will be opened in the year 2081, was buried in front of Village Hall. Another festivity which took place to celebrate was a lecture at the North Hempstead Country Club by renowned author Robert A. Caro on how urban planner Robert Moses shaped Long Island’s North Shore.
In 2007, during the tenure of former Mayor Charles W. Weiss, the Village of Flower Hill purchased the Flower Hill County Park from the County of Nassau. Many Flower Hill residents and officials felt that the park was not maintained to the best of standards under Nassau’s control and that it offered very little to residents.
The ceremony celebrating Flower Hill’s takeover of the park took place on November 3, 2007 and featured a performance by Paul D. Schreiber High School’s orchestra, along with speeches.
In addition to many of Flower Hill’s officials, other dignitaries in attendance at the ceremony included State Senator Craig Johnson, Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, and the mayors of many of the other local villages.
Shortly after ownership of the Flower Hill Park was formally transferred to the Village of Flower Hill, the renovations began. Within the next 10 years, the Flower Hill Village Park was completely transformed from a neglected passive park into a beautiful hub for life in Flower Hill. It now features state-of-the-art playground facilities, a stage, sports facilities, and beautiful, winding, tree-lined walking paths – all of which are maintained immaculately.
The landscaping for the redesigned park was designed by Village Arborist and former Village Trustee Ann C. Frankel.
The Village of Flower Hill also purchased the section of Stonytown Road within Flower Hill from the County of Nassau around this time.
In 2012, Flower Hillers elected Elaine Phillips as the 18th Mayor of Flower Hill. Phillips, who held the position from 2012 until her election to the New York State Senate in 2016, made history as the first woman to serve as the Mayor of Flower Hill.
Also taking place in 2012 was Superstorm Sandy, which severely impacted the Northeastern United States. Following Sandy, the entire village was left without power, and some residents were without power for over two weeks. Village officials assisted the residents by helping remove fallen trees and other debris, and contacting the Long Island Power Authority and residents. Village officials also checked in on all of the seniors living alone in Flower Hill and offered rides for them. Village Hall was kept open to the public as a gathering space for residents despite how the heating and telecommunication lines were initially down.
In 2020, the world experienced the wrath of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The world was in lockdown and a sense of fear was in the air. Village Hall was closed to the public. Village meetings were held online through an online meeting platform called Zoom. Village officials checked in on residents to ensure that they were healthy, safe, and secure.
On September 17, 2021, a community gathering space was dedicated in front of Village Hall. This gathering space was built to allow for officials to meet with residents outside should another COVID-19-type pandemic occur. It is dedicated to former Mayor Robert McNamara, who died in office on April 15, 2020 from chronic health conditions. In addition to many of Flower Hill’s officials, other dignitaries in attendance included New York State Senator Anna Kaplan, former Mayor Elaine Phillips, New York State Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti, North Hempstead Town Clerk Wayne H. Wink, Jr., and the mayors of many nearby villages.
Also taking place in 2021 was the creation of the Flower Hill Historic Trail, which is a network of recreational walking routes connecting to over 100 points of historical interest within Flower Hill. It aims to educate the public on the history of Flower Hill, encourage locals and visitors alike to exercise as well as to take interest in history and local government, and to provide a convenient and efficient way of identifying historical features in Flower Hill and important events in its history.
That, in brief, is a short history of our beautiful village.
The following is the epilogue to a lecture written and held by Carlos Munson in the late 1930s for the Flower Hill Civic Association. It is in the opinion of the author of this essay that these words be known by all – both for the sake of knowledge and as a community pledge.
“The custody of Flower Hill is in your hands, it is there from this minute. Through this Flower Hill Association you will guide its destiny.
You will in a few months elect new Trustees,
Able and courageous men and women you have amongst you. Select carefully those who should manage your affairs.
The old Flower Hill was great and clean and good, But it fell into an abyss of evil.
Don’t let history repeat itself.
You have now a new Flower Hill which is clean and good. Care for it,
Nurture it with love and tenderness. Don’t let it go into evil or selfish hands. Keep it pure and keep it honest.
Keep your standards high.
Your happiness is at stake as also is that of others who may be your neighbors in the future. I thank you!”
-Axinn Library Special Collections Department, Hofstra University. Hempstead, Long Island, New York.
-Brennan, Eileen. "Heritage Carefully Cultivated." Newsday (1940-), Dec 13, 1986, pp. 2.
-County of Nassau, Long Island, New York.
-"Flower Hill Residents Oppose a Park." Newsday (1940-), Nov 15, 1974, pp. 19.
-"List Nassau Draft Registry Points: Men from 21-35 must Sign Up Oct. 16." Newsday (1940-), Oct 10, 1940, pp. 8.
-Meeting Minutes of the Incorporated Village of Flower Hill, Long Island, New York, 1931-2021.
-"Mimi Says 'no, no,' but Walls Go Down, Down." Newsday (1940-), May 10, 1957, pp. 6.
-Munson, Carlos Walter. “A Talk About Flower Hill.”
-Roslyn Landmark Society. Roslyn, Long Island, New York.
-Saint Francis Hospital. Flower Hill, Long Island, New York.
-Seyfried, Vincent F.: New York & North Shore Traction Company; trolleys in: Whitestone, Flushing, Bayside, Roslyn, Pt. Washington, Mineola, [and] Hicksville. [Orlando, Fla., F. E. Reifschneider, 1956].
-Sheward, Virginia. "The (W)hole Thing Sounds Silly but Coffee, Sinkers are Political." Newsday (1940-), Feb 20, 1951, pp. 4.
-The Bryant Library Local History Collection. Roslyn, Long Island, New York.
-The History Center at the Manhasset Public Library. Manhasset, Long Island, New York.
-The History Center at the Port Washington Public Library. Port Washington, Long Island, New York.
-United States Census Bureau.
-United States Environmental Protection Agency.
-United States Geological Survey.
-Village of Flower Hill Archives. Flower Hill, Long Island, New York.

Flower Hill Mayors
1931 -1937 W. JOHN LOGAN
1937 -1940 STEPHEN H. MASON
1940 -1944 JULIEN T. DAVIES
1944 -1950 EDWARD Q. CARR
1951 -1957 RALPH B. MENKE
1957 -1962 HAROLD S. SHOUSE
1962 -1963 JOHN E. MAHONEY
1974 -1981 LOUIS B. RESNICK
1988 -1996 JOHN W. WALTER
1996 -1998 DERRICK A. RUBIN
1998 – 2005 JAMES L. DAMASCUS
2005 – 2012 CHARLES W. WEISS
2016 – 2020 ROBERT MC NAMARA