Whether you’re a first time home buyer and new to the Village, or a long time resident who is about to update your home, you should always consult the Building Department before proceeding with any home alterations. We hope the following will answer some of your questions.
Building Code Basics
The N.Y.S. Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code is enforced in all jurisdictions, whether city, town, village or hamlet, throughout the State. This Code details the materials and methods of construction for all buildings and homes. The Code provides the minimum requirements to ensure public safety, health and general welfare in all buildings and includes a separate Residential Code specifically addressing detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories.
WHAT is a building permit?
A building permit is required for any alteration that affects the structural elements of your home. We like to explain it like this: If the project is a decorating one (painting, new flooring, etc.) then a permit is not required. If it is a minor repair a permit is not required, but please check with us to be sure. For example, a roofing repair is structural in nature and may require a permit.
WHY have building permits?
We are committed to ensuring that all construction done in the Village meets the safety and longevity standards of the New York State building code or the Village zoning codes. We also require that all tradespeople who work in the Village are fully licensed and insured to protect you and your neighbors. We inspect the project from beginning to end to make sure everything is done correctly.
A permit is required by State Law for any work done under the current construction code regulations (newly built, additions, alterations and sometimes even repairs), and by the Village Code for anything that is regulated by our local zoning codes. The permit application informs the Village of the type of work, materials, methods of construction, and your contractor’s license and insurance information. Once issued the permit includes a list of inspections that must be performed during construction so that all work complies with the approved plans as well as the codes.
Please be aware that repairs are also required to comply with the building codes and standards, but do not require a permit. The definitions of “Alterations” and “Repairs” under the building code may be a bit different from the common interpretation. Please call the Village Building Department to clarify whether a permit is required based on the scope of your proposed work, rather than relying on your contractor, friend, or neighbor for their opinion.
Types of Permits
The Building Department uses 3 types of permits: Building, Plumbing and Miscellaneous. A Building Permit is used for larger scale structural projects that can range from adding a generator or deck to building a new house. This type of permit requires submission of plans showing the scope of the work and the location on your property. You will need to employ licensed professional (architect, engineer, etc.) for this type of permit. If your project is of a large scale such as a new home or addition, or changes the “look” of your home (i.e. a new facade, porch or portico) you will also be required to have your permit approved by the Architectural Review Committee before it can be issued.
A Plumbing Permit is used for all plumbing or gas projects. The work must be performed by a licensed, insured plumber. The fee is $200 plus $25 per plumbing fixture installed. A Miscellaneous Permit covers a lot of different building scenarios. We use this permit application for repair work, fence installation, tree removal, dumpsters, etc. The basic fee is $250 plus 1.5% of the cost estimate. There are many exceptions to this.
Tree Removal always requires a permit unless ordered by the Village. Send us your application noting which trees are to be removed. We have a licensed professional arborist on staff who will visit your site and determine if the tree needs removal. She will make a recommendation based on her findings. She may require that you post a bond and replant. The fee is $75 for the arborist visit if the tree is dead or damaged or $200 per live tree with a $1,000 refundable bond for each tree that needs to be replaced.
Dumpster/POD permits. Before you place a dumpster or POD on your property you must have a permit. The fee for dumpsters are $75 per month., The fee for a storage POD is $100 for six months.
What is the Architectural Review Committee?
The Board of Trustees of the Village established this Committee to maintain the architectural integrity of the Village. Their purpose is to preserve and protect the unique character of the Village and to encourage the creation of buildings, structures, landscape settings and appurtenances, and use of property within the Village in ways that maintain this character. The ARC consists of the Building Superintendent, a member of the Board of Trustees and two volunteer residents who are also licensed architects. The Committee meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 pm.
When a building permit application is received, the Building Superintendent makes the determination as to whether the permit requires review by the ARC. The ARC serves the Board of Trustees in an advisory capacity. They do not approve permits but instead make recommendations to the Board of Trustees who then vote on whether to approve the permit at their regular monthly meeting.
They look at the entire site plan, landscaping, neighboring properties, design and aesthetics. They work with each applicant to ensure that their project is appropriate to the Village but also meets the homeowners needs.
2025 Fee Schedule |
Rule of Thumb: Call us First
We can save you a lot of time and solve problems before they occur. We want to help you through the process.
Call Now (516) 627-5000When do I need a Permit?
The following is a list of common projects that require a permit from the Building Department. The list is not exclusive so when in doubt, GIVE US A CALL FIRST!
- Block Party
- Built in Generator
- Central Air
- Cesspool Replacement/New Construction Change of Grade
- Curb Cut – Driveway Apron
- Dumpster
- Fences
- Garage/Tag Sale
- New or Replacement Doors/Windows Oil Tank Abandonment
- Replace or Widen Driveway
- Road opening for Gas/Water Services
- Roofing
- Sheds
- Storage Pod
- Structural Repairs including New Stairs, Deck Replacement
- Tag Sales
- Temporary Tent
- Tree Removal
- Other activities & uses as State or Local Codes require