Welcome to the Village of Flower Hill. We are pleased to have you as a new neighbor and are very happy that you chose to live in this great community, the best Village in New York State.

What makes Flower Hill especially unique is the number 3 – we are served by three different school, fire and water districts; zip codes; post offices and libraries. Depending on where you live in the Village you might get some of your services from different Manhasset, Port Washington or Roslyn districts.

For some of our residents, this is the first time that they have lived in a village and there are some important things that you should be aware of which I have detailed below.

I look forward to meeting you.

Randall Rosenbaum – Mayor


Please sign up to receive our digital and paper communications including emergency notifications, road closures and the monthly Mayors Newsletter.

We use two systems, so please sign up for both to get all of our important communications:

  1. Constant Contact – for monthly Village news and regular notifications – send your email address to info@villageflowerhill.org
  2. Code Red – for emergency notifications visit our village website and click on the Code Red link or go directly to: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/BFE7EA49CADF

We maintain an active web presence. Please check it regularly for important announcements and news:

Village web site: https://villageflowerhill.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VillageofFlowerHill

YouTube (Board of Trustee meetings): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMPc74pOdNLktDh6L37W9Wg

Village Hall

Located at 1 Bonnie Heights Road, Manhasset, NY 11030 (at the corner of Port Washington Blvd) You can call us at 516-627-5000 or via email vclerk@villageflowerhill.org
Regular Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, except Federal holidays. Summer Office Hours: (Memorial Day through Labor Day)

Monday through Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Friday 8:30am – 1 pm

Village Hall is closed on the days these holidays are observed:

New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Friday
Christmas Day


Garbage and Recycling

We provide garbage pickup three times a week under contract with Dejana Industries. Depending on where you live in the Village, it will either be Monday–Wednesday–Friday or Tuesday–Thursday– Saturday.

You do not have to bring your cans to the curb because we provide side or rear yard garbage pickup. Garbage will not be picked up on the following holidays:

New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
President’s Day
Day Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day

If you have any questions concerning your garbage service including bulk pick up, you may contact Dejana at 516-944-3103.

Attached to this letter is our garbage schedule/flyer.

Board of Trustees Meetings

The Board of Trustees usually meet the first Monday of every month at 7:30 PM – check our Village website for an updated schedule and agenda.

Construction Hours:

Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday and Federal Holidays: No work allowed

Commercial Landscaping Hours:

Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday – Sunday – Federal Holidays: No work allowed.

Additionally, landscapers cannot use gas blowers between June 15 – September 15. They may only use battery electric blowers during this time. Your landscaper must be licensed with the Village.


What do I need a permit for?

Following is a list of things you would typically need a permit for:

Air Conditioning and Heating Systems (including heat pump systems) – new and replacement
Alterations, Additions & New Construction
Block Party
Boilers, Furnaces, or Swimming Pool Heaters – new and replacement
Cesspool Replacement/New Construction
Change of Grade
Change in Use of an Existing Occupancy or Space
Conversion of Basements, Cellars or Garages to Habitable Space
Curb Cut – Driveway Apron
Decks, Patios
Demolition of a structure, or any structural modification
Doors – new or replacement
Driveways – replacement or expansion of existing, or new
Fences – new or replacement
Fireplaces and Chimneys – including prefabricated and/or gas inserts
Garage/Tag Sale (free permit)
Garages, Sheds and Accessory Structures
Hot Tubs
Oil-To-Gas Conversions
Oil Tank Abandonment
Plumbing (including the installation and replacement of sinks, toilets and gas appliances such as stoves, clothes dryers, hot water heaters and boilers)
Retaining Walls
Road opening for Gas/Water Services
Roof Replacement
Siding Replacement
Solar Panels
Structural Repairs including New Stairs, Deck Replacement
Swimming Pools – above or below ground – water depth of 18′′ or more
Tennis (or Sports) Courts
Tree Removal
Window Replacement
Other activities & uses as State or Local Codes require

It is always best to call Village Hall if you have any questions about whether you need a permit or not.

What don’t I need a permit for?

Lawn sprinkler installations (check with your local water district for their requirements) Painting, carpeting, tiling and similar finish work
Repairs (restoration for the purpose of maintenance)
Replacing an electric appliance

Residential playground equipment Roof repairs (minor, not replacement)

It is always best to call Village Hall if you have any questions about whether you need a permit or not.


Tree Removal

A permit is required for the removal of almost all trees, even if you consider the tree dead. Please apply for a tree permit since there are severe financial penalties for unauthorized removal of trees.


Parking Restrictions

No overnight parking is allowed on Village roads between 2:00 AM – 6:00 AM.

No vehicles may be parked on your lawn at any time.

Commercial vehicles and boats cannot be parked in driveways at any time.

If you are having your driveway blacktopped or have another extenuating circumstance, contact Village Hall so we can provide you with a temporary overnight parking pass.


Other Services the Village Provides

Notary Public, Handicap Parking Permits, Death Certificates (St. Francis Hospital)


Noise Standards

In order for your neighbors to quietly enjoy their property our Village code has the following noise restrictions:

Daily from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM: Airborne sound at the property line cannot exceed 65 dBA’s
Daily from 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM: Airborne sound at the property line cannot exceed 50 dBA’s
Outdoor music and parties must end by 10 PM


Village Right of Way – The portion of property (10 to 15 feet) abutting the roadway

For safety reasons, the placement of any objects in the Village’s right of way, including but not limited to piers, rocks, lighting, landscaping, sprinklers and fencing is prohibited.

Please check your survey carefully to determine where your property ends, and the Village’s begins. The Village is not responsible for any damage to items placed in the right of way.


Snow Removal

Please do not park your vehicles in the street until after our crew has finished plowing the roads. Please refrain from parking on village roads for an additional 24 hours from storm-end to allow for crews to finalize clearing of snow and other storm debris.

Do not shovel, push or use your snowblower to throw snow out into the street. This goes for any service you hire to clear your driveway as well. A fine can be issued to the homeowner.

Ensure that your fire hydrants are not blocked by snow with a three-foot clearance on all sides so that our first responders won’t be hindered in any response to emergency calls.


Street Address Numbers

To facilitate the effective response of emergency personnel, residents should ensure that their street number is clearly and adequately placed on each home in the event of an emergency, so that responders will be able to locate the home saving precious time in an emergency situation.

Train Parking

Residents of Flower Hill are entitled to park at the Port Washington train station go to the Port Washington Parking District website at https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/portparking for more information.

Village Taxes

Village taxes are mailed out June 1st of each year and are due, without penalty, by June 30th. It should be noted that any taxes not paid by July 1st are subject to a 5% penalty, and if they remain unpaid thereafter, a penalty of 1% per month is added to the outstanding tax.

Water Discharge

It is a violation of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation law to discharge any water into our streets. This includes pool, hot tub, or storm water.

Who Owns What Roads

Not every road that runs through the Village is actually a Village maintained road. Did you ever wonder who owns, maintains, and plows that road? Nassau County has put together a map website that can be used to let you know at that address who owns the road: https://nassau- county.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=0cb89be5516c4571b1be0972bc2c8cbf

Do Not Solicit List

The Village maintains a list of residents who do not want to be disturbed by canvassers or salespeople. Go to the sign-up form on the Village web site and submit to the office to be included on the list. We also distribute “Do Not Solicit” stickers for your door. Let us know if you would like one. https://villageflowerhill.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/DO-NOT-SOLICIT-FORM.pdf


Helpful Phone Numbers

Life Threatening Emergency 911
Nassau County Police Department 6th Precinct (516) 573-6300 https://www.pdcn.org
Manhasset Lakeville Fire District Fire, Rescue or EMS:
(516) 466-4411
Non-emergency inquiries:
(516) 466-4416
Port Washington Fire Department Fire, Rescue or EMS:
(516) 742-3300
Non-emergency inquiries:
(516) 883-2200
Roslyn Fire Department Fire, Rescue or EMS:
(516) 742-3300
Non-emergency inquiries:
(516) 621-7539
Manhasset Lakeville Water District (516) 466-4416 http://www.mlwd.net/
Port Washington Water District (516) 767-0171 http://pwwd.org/
Roslyn Water District (516) 621-7770 https://www.roslynwaterdistrict.org/
Manhasset Library (516) 627-2300 https://manhassetlibrary.org/
Port Washington Library (516) 883-4400 https://pwpl.org/
Roslyn (Bryant) Library (516) 621-2240 https://www.bryantlibrary.org/
Manhasset School District (516) 267-7700 https://www.manhassetschools.org
Port Washington School District (516) 767-5000 https://www.portnet.org
Roslyn School District (516) 801-5000 https://www.roslynschools.org/
Manhasset Chamber of Commerce https://www.manhassetchamber.com/
Manhasset Park District (LIRR Parking) (516) 627-7711 https://manhassetparkdistrictny.gov/
Port Washington LIRR Parking https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/portparking
PSEG Customer Service (800) 490-0075 Outage Map : https://outagemap.psegliny.com
MyAlerts Text Messaging: PSEG text message service can be used to report and receive status updates on an outage. To register, text REG to PSEGLI (773454) or visit the “My Account” section of the website
at www.psegliny.com/account.
National Grid Emergency (Gas Leaks) (800) 490-0045 https://www.nationalgridus.com/Long-Island-NY-Home/
National Grid Service (800) 930-5003
Town of North Hempstead Non-life Threatening Emergency 311 https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/
Nassau County Office of Emergency Management (516) 573-9600 https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/1620/Emergency-Management
Nassau County Non-Emergency Hotline (888) 684-4274
Optimum/Altice: Cable, Internet, Phone Outage (866) 950-3278 https://www.optimum.com/