1 Bonnie Heights Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030   |   (516) 627-5000

Public Announcement

Sign up to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.

8/6/20 Update

> Residents, > This is the August 6th storm recovery update. My morning assessment of the Village indicates while some homes have had power restored a majority of the Village is still without power. > In talking to PSE&G they say we will continue to see progress through today and tomorrow but some homes may not have restoration until Saturday. I share your frustration with PSE&G and I continue to communicate our disapproval with their response. Besides a continuing communications failure the restoration timeline being moved back for many residents is unacceptable. > Currently, village staff are relaying any reported power outages to PSE&G to ensure the company has accurate information for our area. > > PSE&G has set up a distribution center for water & ice at 250 Willis Ave. (Roslyn Heights). > > If you do see power crews in the area please support them in their work in any way possible and do not take your frustration out on these front line workers. > > We have also contacted Verizon and Altice and they are currently evaluating those systems for restoration and will have better estimates once power is restored. > > Please do not forget that  … Read more

8/5/20 Update

August 5, 2020 2:00 pm Hello, This is another storm recovery update from the Village of Flower Hill. While we are lucky and our Village has not suffered fatalities or injuries we do have a lot of downed trees and debris to manage. Our team has worked diligently to clear all our roads and are in the process of addressing debris. Like you I am frustrated with PSEG’s response and the fact that restoration times have been pushed back. I would encourage everyone to prepare for restoration times to take longer than PSEG has communicated possibly even taking into the weekend in some cases. As we continue to get more definitive information we will update you on power restoration. I have been in touch with the County Executive, the Town and our local Mayors and we will continue to advocate on our residents behalf. The Village has arranged for a contractor to pick up branches and limbs left at the curb this Sunday starting at 7am and they will be working throughout the day. They will not be able to remove tree trunks or logs so residents will have to work with their own landscapers or tree companies for their  … Read more


Governor Cuomo has granted the Village’s request to extend the tax payment due date by 21 days, Previously taxes were due no later than July 1st without incurring a late penalty. With the new extension, residents have until July 22nd to pay without penalty. Payments received on July 23 and thereafter will be subject to a 5% penalty for the first month and an additional 1% for each month taxes are unpaid thereafter.


During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, all contractors must follow the construction guidelines developed by the New York State Department of Health.Attached are links for the following documents: *Interim Guidance for Construction Activities During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/ConstructionMasterGuidance.pdf *Construction Guidelines for Employers and Employees https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/ConstructionShortGuidelines.pdf *All contractors are required to adhere to the guidelines and prepare a written Safety Plan. Use the template provided. https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/NYS_BusinessReopeningSafetyPlanTemplate.pdf The contractor will be responsible to instruct all workers on a building site to follow the Safety Plan. No work shall be permitted unless the Safety Plan is on site and available to the Building Inspector. Failure to comply with the guidelines and safety plan by any work being done on the site may be subject to a Stop Work Order and summons.

Village of Flower Hill COVID-19 Update & Establishment of Flower Hill Volunteer Corp

March 25, 2020 Dear Village Residents: Over the past week, our everyday reality has changed dramatically.  I have seen a lot in my lifetime, so it is not every day that I say we are in uncharted waters, but we are. You are all aware that the state, county, and town have all declared a State of Emergency in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We must all do our part immediately to reduce the spread of this virus. I would like to take a moment to first thank the doctors, nurses, emergency personnel and many others who are putting their lives and the lives of their families at risk by responding to this crisis. All residents should be self-isolating themselves and their families by limiting interactions with others and keeping at least 6 feet between you and others. If you feel ill you should stay home and contact your doctor. Note that you can have the virus without exhibiting symptoms and thereby pass the virus on to others, further emphasizing the need for self-isolation.  Even if you feel fine, you can put others at risk. I beg you to follow the rules to help protect others: your neighbor who  … Read more

Playground & Sports Courts Closed Until Further Notice

The playground and sports courts at the Park will be closed until further notice to help stop the potential spread of Cornoavirus. The field and walking paths will remain open but we want to remind all visitors not to gather in groups and maintain safe distances. Some varieties of Cornoavirus are known to live on surfaces for several days according to the World Health Organization. We apologize for the inconvenience but it is more important for all of us to heed the advice of medical experts and protect public health.


Governor Cuomo has postponed all local elections until April 28. We will continue to accept absentee ballots in accord with the Election Law and in accord with any further direction from the State.

Snow Season Reminders

NO parking on Village roads when there is 2″ of snow or more has fallen or is forecast. After the plows have gone through you may park in the street again.

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