Do We Have Your Email?

By Marla W,


The Village has two methods of communicating with our residents.

For emergencies or urgent notices, we use CODE RED which sends out phone calls and emails. To sign up go to the Village website and click on the red and black Code Red icon about three quarters of the page down on the right or just go to

If you do not use a computer, you can call the village office and we will enter the information for you.

The other method of communication is our Constant Contact newsletter. This is where the Mayor posts his monthly newsletters and where we post non-urgent messages. To sign up email us at

You can also follow us on Facebook – Village of Flower Hill.

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By Marla W,



  • Do not leave spare keys or valet keys, inside the vehicle
  • Do not leave your vehicle running and unattended
  • Do not leave valuables visible

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Village Election Results – Mayor, Randall Rosenbaum 135; Trustee Claire Dorfman 132; Trustee Brian Herrington 132; Trustee Gary Lewandowski 133

By Marla W,

Thank you to everyone who made the time to come out and vote or submit an absentee ballot. Your support and involvement is what makes Flower Hill a great place to live.

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By Marla W,

Every 45 seconds, a car is stolen in the United States, which is close to one million stolen vehicles per year. Thefts occur at all times of the day and night and usually happen when a car has been left unlocked with the key fob left inside a vehicle equipped with a push button start. The Nassau County Police Department reminds people to be aware and cautious of their property and offers these Auto Theft Prevention Tips to help protect you against vehicle theft.

  • Always lock your vehicle, even when it’s parked in your driveway or garage.
  • Always take your keys or fob with you.
  • Never leave or hide a smart key, valet key, or spare key anywhere in or on your vehicle, no matter where you park it.
  • Never leave your car running while unattended or unlocked.
  • If possible, park your vehicle in a locked garage.
  • Always park in well-lit areas at night.
  • Close all your vehicle windows completely when parked.
  • Consider installing an audible alarm or a visible anti-theft device.
  • Never leave valuables or personal property in your vehicle.
  • Always look around and be aware of your surroundings.

CALL CRIME STOPPERS – 1-800-244-TIPS (8477)

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Snow Season Reminders

By Marla W,

Do not leave vehicles in the roadways to give our snow plows the ability to clear the roadways. We also urge residents to please refrain from parking on village roads for an additional 24 hours from storm-end to allow for crews to finalize clearing of snow and other storm debris.


After a snow event, residents with fire hydrants and sidewalks are expected to make them free and clear. There must be a 3-foot clearance, in all directions, between snow and hydrants. Blocking fire hydrants and sidewalks can result in a court appearance and fine. Failure to properly clear fire hydrants can also hinder first responders’ response to emergency calls.  If you are physically disabled and cannot clear the snow, contact Village Hall and we will have the hydrants cleared for you.


Pushing snow out into the street is also prohibited. If clearing snow, it must remain on your property.

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An Open Letter to the Community Regarding Sunnyvale Holiday Lighting

By Marla W,

In response to recent social media posts regarding the Young Family Christmas Exhibition I felt it was important to share the Village’s perspective. The Village has repeatedly offered to work with the Youngs so they can present the display in a way that keeps everyone safe. The Village has never stopped the Youngs from presenting their display, and was ready to work with the Youngs if they chose to present the display again this year.


Just two years ago the Village spent $10,000 for a professional security firm to help manage traffic attracted by the display. We have even asked the Village staff to help control traffic during evening hours and on the weekends through the holiday season.  And they have done so–sacrificing their own holiday time with their families. Trustees have also donated countless hours in this effort. These are not the actions of a Village that is trying to prevent anything, but rather one that has met its obligation to insure public safety  while still allowing the Youngs to continue to present their display.


In recent years the Youngs display had grown so large that it was creating parking, traffic, and safety issues for the surrounding neighborhoods. For example:

  • Traffic jams at times were so large that emergency vehicles and personnel would be prevented from responding to  aid Village residents and visitors.
  • Visitors trespassed on neighboring properties and stoops.
  • Cars parked and drove up on lawns causing damage to sprinkler systems and yards.
  • Children walked in the road in the dark and in the midst of the heavy traffic.
  • Music and lights would sometimes be left on until midnight or later keeping kids awake on school nights.
  • Traffic prevented neighbors from participating in their own activities.
  • Structures and extension cords littered the yard all year long.


This display has extended beyond the holiday season, lasting from 10-14 weeks. The Village has been proactive in trying to allow the display while also addressing these community impacts. Unfortunately, the Youngs did not clean up their display by March 31 as required by their permit.  Only after repeated warnings from the Village violations were issued in the first week of May. The Village offered to dismiss the violations several times through the summer and fall if the remaining materials were removed. Mr. Young did not do so.  A trial was held and a fine imposed.


I sent this message to set the record straight and to describe the steps the Village has taken to work with the Youngs while protecting the community. Please stay safe and enjoy your holiday season!


Mayor Brian Herrington

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St. Francis Hospital and Oak Tree Lane

By Marla W,

Dear Residents,

I wanted to share a note with you regarding an important and productive recent meeting Deputy Mayor Randall Rosenbaum and I had with both the CEO of Catholic Health Services and the CEO of St. Francis Hospital.


This past April Dr. Patrick O’Shaughnessy was appointed as the new President and CEO of Catholic Health Service of Long Island. As its new leader he wanted to meet with the Village officials  of Flower Hill, the home of St. Francis Hospital. Also in attendance was Dr. Charles Lucore, the CEO of St. Francis Hospital, appointed three years ago.  Both leaders expressed a genuine desire to be good stewards to the hospital and good neighbors to the  surrounding community.


I took the opportunity to inquire about their acquisition of properties on Oaktree Lane. They confirmed they had completed purchase of just three properties on the block and were hoping to acquire 8 more, a process that could take many years to accomplish. Currently there are  nuns living in one of the homes and there is a possibility that other clergy members may live in the other homes they acquire. Drs. O’Shaughnessy and Lucore  informed us that they do not have any definite plans for the area and are beginning to prepare a long-term master plan process for St Francis Hospital.


I let them know that the Village is not interested in closing or changing any roads and that decades ago the Village placed the hospital in a special zone to limit the size and scope of their buildings. I also informed them that any request to change zoning or build on the properties they acquire, beyond what is allowed by the current code, would require  public hearings, involving public input and review. I encouraged them to engage the community in their master plan process to properly incorporate our community’s input early on.


We learned that the hospital is currently operating at 105% of its capacity and they  been evaluating their operations in preparation for this master plan process. There is a parking garage that is reaching the end of its useful life,  and several trailers that have been installed over the years that need to be eliminated. Catholic Health Services is dedicated to St. Francis Hospital as its flagship hospital given the extraordinary care it provides and its national ranking for cardiac care and other services.


I hope this letter answers some questions that you may have regarding St. Francis Hospital and its recent activity on Oaktree Lane. The Village will continue to stay in contact with the hospital and share information that we receive.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions or concerns that you may have.



Mayor Brian Herrington


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