Please help us determine how our government can better prepare for a disaster by taking this survey.
The Nassau County Hazard Mitigation survey is 31 questions long and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. You will be asked about hazards that concern you, your experiences with disasters, and how you think Nassau County should respond to future disasters. Your feedback will make Nassau County more prepared!
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Governor Cuomo has granted the Village’s request to extend the tax payment due date by 21 days, Previously taxes were due no later than July 1st without incurring a late penalty. With the new extension, residents have until July 22nd to pay without penalty. Payments received on July 23 and thereafter will be subject to a 5% penalty for the first month and an additional 1% for each month taxes are unpaid thereafter.
Filed under: Public Announcement
Today our community can enter NYS Phase 1 reopening and Flower Hill is ready to assist our residents and business owners. Under the Phase 1 reopening construction, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, curbside/inside retail pick up, manufacturing, and wholesale trade can reopen under certain conditions. Our Village is prepared to help you RESTART and the team has prepared a resource page on our website to help you understand the reopening plan and provide additional resources. Call our team at 516-627-5000 or email for assistance.
Please remember that this reopening does not mean the Coronavirus threat is over. The public still needs to continue to follow face mask requirements, social distancing, and other safety protocols.
Flower Hill Construction Phase I Resources Page: (LINK)
During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, all contractors must follow the construction guidelines developed by the New York State Department of Health. Attached are links for the following documents:
*Interim Guidance for Construction Activities During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
The contractor will be responsible to instruct all workers on a building site to follow the Safety Plan.
No work shall be permitted unless the Safety Plan is on site and available to the Building Inspector. Failure to comply with the guidelines and safety plan by any work being done on the site may be subject to a Stop Work Order and summons.
Filed under: Featured Story, News, Public Announcement
We hope all of you are well, and that you remain so as we
continue through this crisis.
As we are sure you are aware, the Governor has issued a
series of Executive Orders restricting the workforce that is permitted at any
work site.
New guidelines have been issued pertaining to construction
work. While these guidelines have not been put in place by our Board, we wanted
to make you aware of them to make sure any difficulties can be avoided.
For the purposes of our Village, under these guidelines
if construction work is being conducted on your property it must be halted
unless it fits in one of the following categories: (1) the
construction is essential because it involves a project necessary to protect
health and safety of the occupant; (2) a certain portion of work at the site
must be completed before closing the site because it would be unsafe to
close the site otherwise, or (3) the work is being conducted by a single
worker, who is the sole employee/worker on the job site.
Please take steps to halt projects as required unless
they fit within one of the three categories listed. Failure to cooperate
with the Governor’s Order could result in violations being issued with
potential fines of up to $10,000.00 by New York State.
Should you have any questions regarding the Executive
Orders of the Governor, a suggested website for frequently asked questions is HTTPS://ESD.NY.GOV/SITES/DEFAULT/FILES/ESD
Thank you for your cooperation.
Peter Albinski
Building Superintendent
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Over the past week, our everyday reality has changed dramatically. I have seen a lot in my lifetime, so it is not every day that I say we are in uncharted waters, but we are. You are all aware that the state, county, and town have all declared a State of Emergency in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We must all do our part immediately to reduce the spread of this virus. I would like to take a moment to first thank the doctors, nurses, emergency personnel and many others who are putting their lives and the lives of their families at risk by responding to this crisis.
All residents
should be self-isolating themselves and their families by limiting interactions
with others and keeping at least 6 feet between you and others. If you feel ill
you should stay home and contact your doctor. Note that you can have the virus
without exhibiting symptoms and thereby pass the virus on to others, further
emphasizing the need for self-isolation.
Even if you feel fine, you can put others at risk.
I beg you to
follow the rules to help protect others: your neighbor who is a doctor or nurse
and still has to go to work; the elderly family member or friend; the person
with a compromised immune system who, by ignoring these measures, you will
continue to put at risk.
Please heed the
advice of our medical experts and implement the public safety measures ordered
by the State which include:
100% of the workforce must stay
home, excluding essential services.
Non-essential gatherings of
individuals of any size for any reason are temporarily banned.
Protect New Yorkers age 70+ and
those with compromised immune systems:
Remain indoors
Can go outside for solitary
Pre-screen all visitors by taking
their temperature
Wear a mask in the company of
Stay at least 6 feet from others
Do not take public transportation
unless urgent and absolutely necessary
All barbershops, hair salons,
tattoo or piercing salons, nail salons, hair removal services and related
personal care services will be closed to the public.
Casinos, gyms, theaters, retail
shopping malls, amusement parks and bowling alleys are closed until
further notice. Bars and restaurants are closed, but takeout can be
ordered during the period of closure.
Testing is free for all eligible
New Yorkers as ordered by a health care provider.
Contact Nassau County Health
Department for COVID-19 concerns at (516) 227-9570.
In response to
this public health crisis we have modified Village operations (until further
notice) to continue providing necessary services as follows:
Hall is closed to visitors except for emergencies and will operate by
appointment only. This is to protect our staff and the public from exposure.
Contact Village Hall at 516-627-5000 or email with
any inquiries.
can be dropped through the mail slot anytime.
If they do not fit, leave them outside during normal office hours and
call Village Hall to confirm pick up and receipt.
playground equipment and sports courts at the Park are closed (we removed the
basketball rims to ensure no one uses the basketball court). However, the walking paths and other areas
remain open, but visitors must avoid congregating in large groups. If large
groups start to gather we may revisit the availability of the Park.
Board of Trustees meetings will be held via telephonic/web conference until
further notice. Residents can find
details for participation and minutes at our website or call Village Hall. We
are diligently working on the 2020-2021 Budget.
Court and Zoning Board meetings have been canceled until further notice and the
Architectural Review Committee will be handling meetings via teleconference.
Contact Village Hall with any questions.
Elections have been postponed by the State to April 28 and we will share more
information about the voting procedure once we have more details.
are in regular contact with our partners which include the Port Washington
Manhasset Office of Emergency Management (PWOEM), the Nassau County Police Department,
our New York State Senator, and the Town of North Hempstead.
Village Emergency Management Team are meeting and communicating on a regular
basis to assess the situation and determine next steps.
Please keep
kids from hanging out in large groups and close together. We took immediate action to remove the rims
from the basketball court because there were large groups of kids playing on
the court. Please remind your children when they are out alone to not gather in
large groups and stay 6 feet away from one another to protect those around them
and stop the spread.
Lewandowski and Deputy Mayor Herrington have also set up the “Flower Hill
Volunteer Corps” to help out our neighbors in need. The goal of the program is
to identify those who may not be able to get their own food, supplies, or need
other assistance, done in a way that prevents in-person interaction. If you are
interested in assisting please contact us at 516-627-5000 or email Volunteer@VIllageFlowerHill.Org.
We are looking for:
home address or contact info for those that may be in need.
A block
captain for every block in the Village to coordinate activities.
to check in by phone or with a note with those in need.
In closing I
ask that we all practice a little extra humanity, patience and kindness. We live in the best village in New York and
we will get through this together. Take a moment each day to give a wave and a
smile on your walk or as you sit on your front lawn to your neighbors. Thank
the grocery store worker, delivery person, emergency personnel, and most
importantly our medical professionals who are sacrificing so much.
If you have any
other inquiries for the Village, you may call the Village Office at 516-627-5000
and leave a message or email me directly at
Bob McNamara
Please make sure you are signed up to
receive emergency updates from the Village Code Red System!
Sign up by:
1) Texting “Flower Hill” to
2) Visiting the Village’s website for a
link on the Home Page
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If you are dropping off plans or applications please use the mail slot at
the bottom of the door. If your plans are too large for the slot leave at the
door and phone the Office. Village Staff will call you to confirm receipt.
Future meetings of the Architectural Review Committee, Zoning Board and
Board of Trustees may be subject to cancellation or alternative meeting
formats. Check our web site or phone Village Hall for updates about these
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