1 Bonnie Heights Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030   |   (516) 627-5000

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Village Election Day Tuesday, September 15, 2020 – noon to 9 pm

Governor Cuomo cancelled March 18 Village Elections due to the pandemic and has authorized all New York State Village to hold their local elections on September 15. To promote safe elections, anyone may request an absentee ballot if the reason for not voting in person is to avoid infection by the Corona virus. You can get an absentee ballot application by clicking on the Village Forms Tab, scroll down to Miscellaneous Permits and print out the second document, “Application for an Absentee Ballot”. https://villageflowerhill.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/absentee-ballot-application-village.pdf Submit the original signed application to the Village and we will mail you an absentee ballot until September 9. After September 9, you may submit the application in person at Village Hall and we will hand you an absentee ballot to be filled out and returned or completed at Village Hall. If you are planning to vote in person, election hours are noon to 9 pm. This year we will be conducting the election in the Village Hall Garage, adjacent to the parking lot. The will enable us to keep all the garage doors open for greater air circulation and allow us to maintain appropriate distancing measures. Plenty of hand sanitizer will be available and each  … Read more

Altice/Cablevision Restoration Status

Good Afternoon, I wanted to provide status of Altice’s efforts to restore services to Long Island communities. Altice has teams deployed around the clock in your communities to restore services as quickly as possible.  We have made significant progress in restoring services, with the percentage of customers on Long Island without service due to the storm falling from more than 33% immediately following the storm to less than 4% today.  However we will continue working diligently to ensure all our customers have their services restored, and I will do my best to provide more granular information on the status of customers in individual communities as soon as possible.   Below is additional information for you to share with your constituents relating to our services.   Specifically, below  are: 1) Trouble Shooting Tips for customers on Service Restoration, 2) Ways for Customers to Contact Us to Report Service Issues, and 3) Information on how to Request Credits.   Service Restoration:  Trouble Shooting Tips  Once power has been restored to your home, your Optimum services should be back up and running.   If you experienced a loss of power, it is best to restart your equipment using the following steps: Unplug your equipment from  … Read more

8/11/20 Power Outage Update from Mayor Herrington

Hello-This is the August 11th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. I am happy to report that the Village has had the majority of power restored to residents but pockets of outages still remain. The Village staff and I will not stop until we get confirmation that every resident has had power restored.   Given PSEG’s continued issues with identifying outages I am asking residents without power to call our Village Hall or email us at info@villageflowerhill.org with your address and contact info so we can follow with PSEG as well. Continue to treat downed wires as live and do not approach them.   We are scheduling another limb and branch pick up for this weekend and will provide further details when they have been finalized. We apologize to anyone that we were not able to get to this past Sunday. Some additional updates for everyone:   -PSEG will be doing some surveying of the power lines on the island by helicopter so please do not be alarmed if you hear a low flying helicopter in the area.   -We have been informed that residents are responsible for damaged or displaced mast-poles and must work with their own electricians  … Read more

Mayor’s Letter to President of PSEG 8-11-20

August 11, 2020   Daniel Eichorn , P.E. President & CEO, PSEG Long Island Uniondale, NY   Dear Mr. Eichorn I am writing to you today to express my Village’s displeasure and frustration with PSEG’s response to Tropical Storm Isaias regarding power restoration and ongoing communications failures. Currently, over half of the Village of Flower Hill is without power and estimates for restoration continue to change and be pushed back. Many residents are exasperated as this is the same experience they had after Super Storm Sandy. The number one issue is that we need crews in our community now. It has been forty-eight hours since the storm and residents have not seen PSEG restoration personnel in the community. These PSEG customers have been abandoned. The only PSEG personnel I have spoken with in person has been assigned to keep an eye on a two day old live wire. They repeatedly tell me someone is supposed to be dispatched to turn it off at the end of their shift and then that does not happen. This is unacceptable from a safety and communications perspective. Flower Hill is currently being under reported for the number of outages because of the communications failure  … Read more


August 10, 2020   Thomas Flacone, CEO Long Island Power Authority 333 Earle Ovington Blvd. Suite 403 Uniondale, NY 11553   Daniel Eichorn, P.E. President & CEO, PSEG Long Island 333 Earle Ovington Blvd. Uniondale, NY 11553   Dear Mr. Falcone & Mr. Eichorn, We Village Mayors are contacting you collectively representing various parts of Manhasset, Port Washington, and Roslyn to demand immediate deployment of additional resources into our communities. Our residents and our teams have patiently tried to work cooperatively with little to no operational support. Our communities continue to manage serious public health situations presented by downed lines, COVID-19, and residents now not having power for six days. The continued delaying of restoration times and lack or operational support is unacceptable. Despite all of the failures throughout the PSEG system of operations and communications, the people of PSEG, like our municipal representative team, led by Kim Kaiman, and our crews on the ground are operating professionally under the harshest conditions including systematic failure. While billions of dollars have spent to improve the system since Superstorm Sandy, we can tell you this region is experiencing the same failures. While we are aware that crews have been called in from  … Read more

8/5/20 Update

August 5, 2020 2:00 pm Hello, This is another storm recovery update from the Village of Flower Hill. While we are lucky and our Village has not suffered fatalities or injuries we do have a lot of downed trees and debris to manage. Our team has worked diligently to clear all our roads and are in the process of addressing debris. Like you I am frustrated with PSEG’s response and the fact that restoration times have been pushed back. I would encourage everyone to prepare for restoration times to take longer than PSEG has communicated possibly even taking into the weekend in some cases. As we continue to get more definitive information we will update you on power restoration. I have been in touch with the County Executive, the Town and our local Mayors and we will continue to advocate on our residents behalf. The Village has arranged for a contractor to pick up branches and limbs left at the curb this Sunday starting at 7am and they will be working throughout the day. They will not be able to remove tree trunks or logs so residents will have to work with their own landscapers or tree companies for their  … Read more

Nassau County Hazard Mitigation Survey

Please help us determine how our government can better prepare for a disaster by taking this survey. The Nassau County Hazard Mitigation survey is 31 questions long and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. You will be asked about hazards that concern you, your experiences with disasters, and how you think Nassau County should respond to future disasters. Your feedback will make Nassau County more prepared! This is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NassauHazards      

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