We have been hearing from concerned residents about the Village’s stance on permitting retail dispensaries to operate in the Village. We are still waiting for the final legislation to be completed before we act on the “opt-out” provision of the law. We have until 12/31/21 to pass an “opt-out” by resolution but believe it is prudent to wait for the final legislation before acting.
Click here for more information on the legislation
Arbor Day Foundation Names Village of Flower Hill Tree City USA®
Lincoln, Neb. (February 23, 2021) Village of Flower Hill, New York, was named a 2020 Tree City USA® by the Arbor Day Foundation in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management.
Village of Flower Hill achieved Tree City USA recognition by meeting the program’s four requirements: a tree board or department, a tree care ordinance, an annual community forest1y budget of at least $2 per capita and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation.
“Tree City USA communities see the impact an urban forest has in a community first hand,” said Dan Lambe, president of the Arbor Day Foundation. “The trees being planted and cared for by Village of Flower Hill are ensuring that generations to come will enjoy to a better quality of life. Additionally, participation in this program brings residents together and creates a sense of civic pride, whether it’s through volunteer engagement or public education.”
If ever there was a time for trees, now is that time. Communities worldwide are facing issues with air quality, water resources, personal health and well-being, energy use, and protection from extreme heat and flooding. The Arbor Day Foundation recently launched the Time for Trees initiative to address these issues, with unprecedented goals of planting 100 million trees in forests and communities and inspiring 5 million tree planters by 2022. With Tree City USA recognition, Village of Flower Hill has demonstrated a commitment to effective urban forest management and doing its part to help address these challenges for Village of Flower Hill residents now and in the future.
More information on the program is available at arborday.org/TreeCityUSA
About the Arbor Day Foundation: The Arbor Day Foundation is a million member nonprofit conservation and education organization with the mission to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. More information is available at arborday.org.
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The Village Finance Committee (Mayor Brian Herrington, Deputy Mayor Randall Rosenbaum, Trustee Frank Genese, Resident member Jeremy Shao, Village Administrator and Village Treasurer) has met and are in the process of putting together a budget for the 2021 -2022 fiscal year. This will be presented to the entire Board of Trustees and the public on March 24 at 7 pm. The meeting will be by Zoom and residents are invited to observe. (See the legal notice in the “About the Village” Section) Prior to the meeting the proposed tentative budget will be posted on the Village website and available to the public.
On March 24, the Trustees will decide if the presented budget stands or if any changes are to be made. If there are changes, the new tentative budget will then be posted. A public hearing will be held on April 5 at 7:30 pm (again check website for meeting details).
The public can submit questions or comments ahead of time or speak at the public hearing.
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Please remember to park your cars in your driveways so the snow plows can get through. Once the road is cleared you can move your cars out to shovel or plow your driveway but remember DO NOT SHOVEL OR PLOW SNOW BACK INTO THE ROADWAY. This creates dangerous icy patches and is a violation of Village Code subject to a fine.
Filed under: Public Announcement
One of our residents spotted this beautiful red fox in their yard in the Roslyn part of the Village. There have also been reports of coyotes in the area.
The Red Fox is the most common wild canid in the world, found throughout The Northern Hemisphere but introduced to Australia. With a varied omnivore diet (both animal and vegetation), they keep a balance by preying on abundant rodent populations. In fact, in North America, they may limit the spread of Lyme Disease and other rodent borne disease. They are essential to any ecosystem.
Coyotes may have been habituated but displayed NO AGGRESSION or threats to the public. The adaptability of coyotes in securing new habitat is well documented , and Long Island (and the Borough of Queens , New York) is no exception, as diverse food , both natural and human refuse are being utilized by dispersing coyotes in order to survive . Further evidence of coyote presence through their scat shows a natural diet, as small animal bones, possibly squirrels and mice, as well as Possum fur and seeds. As with other areas within the urban environment , abundant cat food placed outside as well as scavenging refuse on urban streets and the large Canada Goose population make up much of the rest. If you see a coyote, contact The Wild Dog Foundation at savewilddogs@yahoo.com
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Due to the Covid crisis, Long Island Chief Justice Bogel has ordered all courts to be held remotely beginning December 15. If you were scheduled to appear, call the Court Clerk at (516) 627-5000 to reschedule.
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2020 has certainly been an unprecedented year. While many of our village residents have been affected, thankfully the majority have been able to keep the lights on and keep food on their tables. For others, that is not always the case – which is why we have established the Flower Hill Food Drive.
With a helping hand from local groups and other community volunteers, the Flower Hill Food drive will support families in our area who are in need. All contributions will be donated to local food pantries (currently JCC of Roslyn and Our Lady of Fatima in Manorhaven).
How can you help? We have set up two drop-off locations and we are asking you, the generous residents of Flower Hill, for your help. If you wish to donate, please email FHfooddrive@gmail.com and we will arrange a safe and socially distant pick-up. In addition, you can drop items off at Village Hall between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm) or at the residences of either of the Co-Chairs (to be arranged via email):
Claire Dorfman:
129 Chestnut Road, Manhasset
Milan Doshi:
51 Reni Road, Manhasset
Canned Protein (Chicken, Salmon, Sardines, Tuna)
Peanut Butter or Alternative Nut Butter
Cooking Oil
Canned Vegetables
Canned Beans
Canned Fruit in Juice/Applesauce
Low Sodium Soups
Cold Cereal
Hot Cereal (Cream of Wheat, Farina)
Pancake Mix
Pasta Sauce
Canned green beans
Ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper Rolls
Laundry Detergent
The donations will be collected and distributed evenly to neighboring food pantries multiple times a week.
If you have any questions regarding this initiative or which to be involved, please send an email to FHfooddrive@gmail.com (preferred) or you can also call the Village of Flower Hill at 516-627-5000.