1 Bonnie Heights Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030 | (516) 627-5000
Sign up to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.
We have been hearing from concerned residents about the Village’s stance on permitting retail dispensaries to operate in the Village. We are still waiting for the final legislation to be completed before we act on the “opt-out” provision of the law. We have until 12/31/21 to pass an “opt-out” by resolution but believe it is prudent to wait for the final legislation before acting. Click here for more information on the legislation marijuana NYCOM_Advocacy_Update_–_March_29_2021
Arbor Day Foundation Names Village of Flower Hill Tree City USA® Lincoln, Neb. (February 23, 2021) Village of Flower Hill, New York, was named a 2020 Tree City USA® by the Arbor Day Foundation in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management. Village of Flower Hill achieved Tree City USA recognition by meeting the program’s four requirements: a tree board or department, a tree care ordinance, an annual community forest1y budget of at least $2 per capita and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation. “Tree City USA communities see the impact an urban forest has in a community first hand,” said Dan Lambe, president of the Arbor Day Foundation. “The trees being planted and cared for by Village of Flower Hill are ensuring that generations to come will enjoy to a better quality of life. Additionally, participation in this program brings residents together and creates a sense of civic pride, whether it’s through volunteer engagement or public education.” If ever there was a time for trees, now is that time. Communities worldwide are facing issues with air quality, water resources, personal health and well-being, energy use, and protection from extreme heat and flooding. The … Read more
The Village Finance Committee (Mayor Brian Herrington, Deputy Mayor Randall Rosenbaum, Trustee Frank Genese, Resident member Jeremy Shao, Village Administrator and Village Treasurer) has met and are in the process of putting together a budget for the 2021 -2022 fiscal year. This will be presented to the entire Board of Trustees and the public on March 24 at 7 pm. The meeting will be by Zoom and residents are invited to observe. (See the legal notice in the “About the Village” Section) Prior to the meeting the proposed tentative budget will be posted on the Village website and available to the public. On March 24, the Trustees will decide if the presented budget stands or if any changes are to be made. If there are changes, the new tentative budget will then be posted. A public hearing will be held on April 5 at 7:30 pm (again check website for meeting details). The public can submit questions or comments ahead of time or speak at the public hearing.
Make sure you leave your lights on when you leave the house in the morning or put your lights on a timer. Leave a radio or TV on. The hours between dusk and 7 pm are prime burglary hours and a dark house is an announcement that no one is home. Set your alarm if you have one. Please make sure you lock your cars and don’t leave any valuables in them.
This year we ask people to remind their kids to be on the lookout for signs indicating whether homes are participating in Halloween or not due to COVID-19. We are including signs available to the community but please be on the lookout for other signs that homeowners or other community organizations have created as well. TO LET TRICK OR TREATERS KNOW IF YOU ARE PARTICIPATING: PRINT OUT THE RED (NO CANDY HERE) OR GREEN (WE HAVE CANDY!) TRICK OR TREATING SIGN. ATTACH TO YOUR GARAGE DOOR OR SOME OTHER VISIBLE PLACE. Call Village Hall 627-5000 and we will send you the sign. If you’re handing out treats , the CDC advises that you: Avoid direct contact with trick-or-treaters. Distribute the treats in outdoor spaces, if possible, and set up a station with presorted, individually bagged or wrapped treats (with space between each) to limit direct contact between nonfamily members or those not in your household. Wash your hands before handling all treats. Wear disposable gloves Wear a face mask — and remember that a decorative costume mask is not the same as a protective face mask. If you’re handing out treats, the CDC advises that you: Avoid … Read more
Board of Trustees votes to admonish Trustee Hirsch after the conclusion of an independent investigation into harassment complaints by Village staff members. Manhasset, NY (September 1, 2020) Today, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Flower Hill voted to admonish Trustee Kate Hirsch for inappropriate conduct after the conclusion of an independent investigation carried out by the law firm of Berkman, Henoch, Peterson, Peddy & Fenchel, PC into two separate complaints of workplace harassment filed against her by village staff members as required by law. The workplace harassment complaints were filed with the Village after an incident in Village Hall that took place in front of several staff members this past February and a second separate incident weeks later. The independent investigation was delayed by the COVID-19 shutdown and was focused on violations of Title VII and the NYS Human Rights Law. “I am saddened that last night our Village Board had to take actions to reprimand a member of our Board of Trustees for inappropriate and offensive comments to our staff. After receiving the report by the independent investigators, it was clear that the statements and actions Trustee Hirsch was accused of did take place and that the … Read more
September 1, 2020 Dear Neighbors, I know concerns have circulated the community about St. Francis Hospital’s plans for future expansion and acquisition of properties on Oaktree Lane. I reached out to the President of the hospital recently asking for an update on their plans and wanted to share his response with you (below). If we are made aware of any further actions by the hospital, I will inform you all. Very truly yours, Mayor Brian Herrington St. Francis Hospital, The Heart Center® Catholic Health Services At the heart of health July 28, 2020 Dear Mayor Herrington, Thank you for your recent letter and for your kind words regarding St. Francis Hospital’s efforts in battling the COVID-19 pandemic. St. Francis Hospital is a nationally respected medical facility that is known for overall excellence and an unwavering commitment to delivering the highest level of medical care to the community. We are happy to serve Long Islanders. While we beat back the first wave of this often deadly virus, we remain vigilant should it reemerge. Our continued goal is to provide first-class quality care to all who need it. I understand from your letter that Village residents have questions concerning … Read more