Hello-This is the August 11th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. I am happy to report that the Village has had the majority of power restored to residents but pockets of outages still remain. The Village staff and I will not stop until we get confirmation that every resident has had power restored.
Given PSEG’s continued issues with identifying outages I am asking residents without power to call our Village Hall or email us at info@villageflowerhill.org with your address and contact info so we can follow with PSEG as well. Continue to treat downed wires as live and do not approach them.
We are scheduling another limb and branch pick up for this weekend and will provide further details when they have been finalized. We apologize to anyone that we were not able to get to this past Sunday. Some additional updates for everyone:
-PSEG will be doing some surveying of the power lines on the island by helicopter so please do not be alarmed if you hear a low flying helicopter in the area.
-We have been informed that residents are responsible for damaged or displaced mast-poles and must work with their own electricians to carry out repairs.
-Please assist any electric crews that come into the neighborhood and if you need to engage them please wear a mask and maintain a social distance of 6 feet.
-PSEG will once again have 250 Willis Ave. in Roslyn Heights open for ice and water till 4pm.
-Village Hall is open for those that need to power up or cool off on this hot day
Please continue to check in on neighbors and that might need additional assistance.
Daniel Eichorn , P.E. President & CEO, PSEG Long Island Uniondale, NY
Dear Mr. Eichorn
I am writing to you today to express my Village’s displeasure and frustration with PSEG’s response to Tropical Storm Isaias regarding power restoration and ongoing communications failures. Currently, over half of the Village of Flower Hill is without power and estimates for restoration continue to change and be pushed back. Many residents are exasperated as this is the same experience they had after Super Storm Sandy.
The number one issue is that we need crews in our community now. It has been forty-eight hours since the storm and residents have not seen PSEG restoration personnel in the community. These PSEG customers have been abandoned. The only PSEG personnel I have spoken with in person has been assigned to keep an eye on a two day old live wire. They repeatedly tell me someone is supposed to be dispatched to turn it off at the end of their shift and then that does not happen. This is unacceptable from a safety and communications perspective.
Flower Hill is currently being under reported for the number of outages because of the communications failure during the storm. For more than twenty-four hours residents could not report outages and became so frustrated they gave up. There are entire blocks of Flower Hill you have listed as having power that do not actually have power. This is misleading and I believe impacting your response to our
community unfairly.
The communication failure has not stopped there, our residents who were able to report outages, cannot get an accurate restoration time estimate through any PSEG platform. Multiple residents have shared with me that they are getting conflicting restoration times from the telephone, text, app, and online map resources. This is continuing to increase frustration and despair in the Village.
I understand that these are challenging times but as a public serv}ce provider these issues must be addressed immediately. Due to COVID-19 customers cannot even go to a neighbor or family members home with power for shelter or support. We knew this storm was coming and you assured us multiple
times that PSEG was prepared but this is clearly not the case. Please provide assistance and address these communications failures immediately.
Brian Herrington Mayor
Village of Flower Hill
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo NYS Senator Anna Kaplan
NYS Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso NYS Public Service Commission
Filed under: Featured Story, News
Comments: Comments Off on Mayor’s Letter to President of PSEG 8-11-20
We Village Mayors are contacting you collectively representing various parts of Manhasset, Port Washington, and Roslyn to demand immediate deployment of additional resources into our communities. Our residents and our teams have patiently tried to work cooperatively with little to no operational support. Our communities continue to manage serious public health situations presented by downed lines, COVID-19, and residents now not having power for six days. The continued delaying of restoration times and lack or operational support is unacceptable.
Despite all of the failures throughout the PSEG system of operations and communications, the people of PSEG, like our municipal representative team, led by Kim Kaiman, and our crews on the ground are operating professionally under the harshest conditions including systematic failure. While billions of dollars have spent to improve the system since Superstorm Sandy, we can tell you this region is experiencing the same failures.
While we are aware that crews have been called in from out of state, there are clearly not enough boots on the ground. Residents could have instituted evacuation plans days ago but instead they, and our teams, were repeatedly told restoration times would be within 24-48 hours of each passing day. This is all compounded by COVID-19 and the desire for our residents to not put themselves in harm’s way.
Our Villages have cleared the roads and done all the things we needed to do to assist LIPA and PSEG with recovery but we are not seeing the same support from your operational teams. The frontline workers are doing their best to get the job done but it is clear to us that more help is needed to immediately address the safety and electrical restoration needs of our communities and all of Long Island.
We look forward to an expeditious response to our concerns and are willing to discuss them immediately at your convenience. Given this is the beginning of hurricane season we cannot let this experience be repeated.
Ed Adler, Mayor-Village of Sands Point
Jim Avena, Mayor-Village of Manorhaven
Lawrence Ceriello-Village of Munsey Park
Barbara Donno, Mayor-Village of Plandome Manor
Nora Haagenson, Mayor-Village of Baxter Estates
Brian Herrington, Mayor-Village of Flower Hill
Thomas Minutillo, Mayor-Village of Plandome
Kenneth Riscica, Mayor-Village of Plandome Heights
Bob Weitzner, Mayor-Village of Port Washington North
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, New York State Governor
The Honorable Ralph Suozzi, Chairman Long Island Power Authority
The Honorable John B. Rhodes, Chairman-Public Service Commission
The Honorable Anna Kaplan, New York State Senator
The Honorable Anthony D’Urso, New York State Assemblyman
The Honorable Laura Curran, Nassau County Executive
The Honorable Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, Nassau County Legislator
The Honorable Judi Bosworth, Town of North Hempstead Supervisor
The Honorable Mariann Dalimonte, Town of North Hempstead Councilwoman
Filed under: Featured Story, News
This is the August 10th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. Yesterday saw significant progress throughout the Village on power restorations for many residents, however PSEG still has more to do. Like many of you I am still without power and continue to get conflicting reports from PSEG. Given all of this I am grateful for all of the out of state support we are receiving and encourage you to thank these men and woman.
Our staff is working tirelessly to stay on top of PSEG with the information you are providing us. Given residents continue to experience outages I am encouraging residents who are still without power to call our Village Hall or email us at info@villageflowerhill.org with your address and contact info so we can follow with PSEG as well.
Due to the extensive damage the multiple crews we had working yesterday to do branch and limb pick up were not able to get through the entire Village. Please do not worry we will be scheduling another pick up day to finish the job.
-Continue to treat downed wires as live and do not approach them
-Please assist any crews that come into the neighborhood. If you need to engage them please wear a mask and maintain a social distance of 6 feet.
-You can contact PSEG at 800-490-0075 to report new outages.
-If you are running a generator please also check that your Carbon Monoxide detectors are operating.
-PSEG will once again have 250 Willis Ave. in Roslyn Heights open for ice and water till 4pm
-Village Hall is open for those that need to power up or cool off on this hot day
Please continue to check in on one another and neighbors that might need additional assistance. Thank you and stay safe!
This is the August 9th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. I am excited to report that we are seeing more power restorations throughout the Village and more power crews entering our area. Some crews are doing assessments to prepare for the actual restoration work so please do not get frustrated if crews come in and leave the area.
Also, We Care Tree Service is working its way through the Village to take limbs and branches left at the curb.
The fact is that too many outages remain and some restorations times are being pushed back until Tuesday. I continue to be in constant communication with PSEG over this continued failure and to provide you with updates. Given this track record of delays I continue to ask residents to prepare for a few more days without power.
-Please assist any crews that come into the neighborhood in any way possible many of them are from out of state and may be unfamiliar with the area. If you need to engage them please wear a mask and maintain a social distance of 6 feet.
-If you get an update from PSEG that your power has been restored and it has not been please report it to them at 800-490-0075 immediately.
-Do not approach any downed wires, all downed wires should be treated as live.
-If you are running a generator please also check that your Carbon Monoxide detectors are operating, as portable and natural gas generators have the potential to cause carbon monoxide issues.
-PSEG will once again have 250 Willis Ave. in Roslyn Heights open for ice and water
-We will have Village Hall available for powering up this afternoon from 1-4pm thanks to several Trustees and volunteers from the Flower Hill Volunteer Corp.
Please continue to check in on one another and neighbors that might need additional assistance.
Thank you and please stay safe!
Brian Herrington
Village of Flower Hill
This is the August 8th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. We have begun to see some power restorations in the Village but most of our outages still remain. I remain in constant contact with PSEG and our other elected officials to express our displeasure with their response to the storm.
I called on PSEG yesterday to once again immediately address all downed wires in our Village as they present an immediate safety hazard. In response PSEG dispatched crews and inspections were carried out throughout last night and into the early hours this morning.
PSEG’s latest estimates have power being restored thought this weekend and jobs requiring more extensive work taking them into Monday. So I continue to ask residents to prepare for several more days without power. Please assist any crews that come into the neighborhood in any way possible.
Please report any new power outages or if you have not reported downed wires to 800-490-0075 immediately.
I want to ask everyone to review their safety measures most importantly:
-Do not approach any downed wires, all downed wires should be treated as live.
-If you are running a generator please also check that your Carbon Monoxide detectors are operating, as portable and natural gas generators have the potential to cause carbon monoxide issues.
-PSEG will once again have 250 Willis Ave. in Roslyn Heights open for ice and water
-We will have Village Hall available for powering up tomorrow afternoon from 1-4pm.
Finally, limb and branch pick up is scheduled to begin at 7am tomorrow at crews will work throughout the day. Larger trunks and logs will not be accepted.
I will continue to update the community as we navigate the recovery. Please continue to check in on one another and neighbors that might need additional assistance. Stay safe.
Brian Herrington
Village of Flower Hill
This is the daily storm recovery update for Flower Hill. Like most of you I continue to be without power for a third day and the estimated restoration time has been pushed back to Sunday. The Deputy Mayor and I are regularly driving through the Village to evaluate the situation and communicate with our residents.
Staff continues to report outages to PSEG and provide updates to our residents. If you lost power this morning immediately report it to PSEG at 1-800-490 0075.
Restoration times in the Village vary from tonight through Sunday but based on PSEG’s past performance I cannot believe this and ask that you prepare for several more days without power. I expect rain and possible thunderstorms to hinder efforts as well.
PSEG’s response to this storm has been in no uncertain terms a failure and I sent a letter to PSEG yesterday and our state representatives highlighting those failures.
I am also in contact with out other local town, county, and state officials who are advocating on our behalf. The County Executive’s team is working on the traffic light outages on Port Washington Blvd.
-Verizon and Altice have told us they will provide restoration estimates after power has been restored.
-Village Hall lost power today and is running on a generator but residents can still come by to power up.
-PSEG has a water and ice distribution site at 250 Willis Ave. in Roslyn Heights but I recommend residents go as soon as possible as this site ran out of supplies yesterday afternoon.
-We will be allowing full commercial landscape work on Saturday and Sunday so residents can continue storm clean up
-Sunday we have arranged for limb and branch pick up and crews will work throughout the day to take what they can. Please make sure you have the debris in place before Sunday as they will start early.
Please reach out to Village Hall if you need additional assistance. Check in on neighbors and anyone that might need help. Please stay safe!
This is the August 6th storm recovery update. My morning assessment of the Village indicates while some homes have had power restored a majority of the Village is still without power.
In talking to PSE&G they say we will continue to see progress through today and tomorrow but some homes may not have restoration until Saturday. I share your frustration with PSE&G and I continue to communicate our disapproval with their response. Besides a continuing communications failure the restoration timeline being moved back for many residents is unacceptable.
Currently, village staff are relaying any reported power outages to PSE&G to ensure the company has accurate information for our area.
PSE&G has set up a distribution center for water & ice at 250 Willis Ave. (Roslyn Heights).
If you do see power crews in the area please support them in their work in any way possible and do not take your frustration out on these front line workers.
We have also contacted Verizon and Altice and they are currently evaluating those systems for restoration and will have better estimates once power is restored.
Please do not forget that we have arranged for branches and limbs to be picked up at the curb this Sunday starting at 7am the crew will be working throughout the day.
Village Hall does have power and we are open if residents need to get cool or power up their electronics. Due to COVID we will have safety precautions in place.
Please check in on your neighbors and as we did in Sandy let’s pitch in to help one another. Thank you and stay safe!
> This is the August 6th storm recovery update. My morning assessment of the Village indicates while some homes have had power restored a majority of the Village is still without power.
> In talking to PSE&G they say we will continue to see progress through today and tomorrow but some homes may not have restoration until Saturday. I share your frustration with PSE&G and I continue to communicate our disapproval with their response. Besides a continuing communications failure the restoration timeline being moved back for many residents is unacceptable.
> Currently, village staff are relaying any reported power outages to PSE&G to ensure the company has accurate information for our area.
> PSE&G has set up a distribution center for water & ice at 250 Willis Ave. (Roslyn Heights).
> If you do see power crews in the area please support them in their work in any way possible and do not take your frustration out on these front line workers.
> We have also contacted Verizon and Altice and they are currently evaluating those systems for restoration and will have better estimates once power is restored.
> Please do not forget that we have arranged for branches and limbs to be picked up at the curb this Sunday starting at 7am the crew will be working throughout the day.
> Village Hall does have power and we are open if residents need to get cool or power up their electronics. Due to COVID we will have safety precautions in place.
> Please check in on your neighbors and as we did in Sandy let’s pitch in to help one another. Thank you and stay safe!
This is another storm recovery update from the Village of Flower Hill. While we are lucky and our Village has not suffered fatalities or injuries we do have a lot of downed trees and debris to manage. Our team has worked diligently to clear all our roads and are in the process of addressing debris.
Like you I am frustrated with PSEG’s response and the fact that restoration times have been pushed back. I would encourage everyone to prepare for restoration times to take longer than PSEG has communicated possibly even taking into the weekend in some cases. As we continue to get more definitive information we will update you on power restoration. I have been in touch with the County Executive, the Town and our local Mayors and we will continue to advocate on our residents behalf.
The Village has arranged for a contractor to pick up branches and limbs left at the curb this Sunday starting at 7am and they will be working throughout the day. They will not be able to remove tree trunks or logs so residents will have to work with their own landscapers or tree companies for their removal.
Finally, Village Hall does have power and we are open if residents need to get cool or power up their electronics. Due to COVID we will have to take precautions and will limit times and have distancing measures in place.
Thank you and stay safe!
Brian Herrington
Village of Flower Hill