1 Bonnie Heights Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030   |   (516) 627-5000

Public Announcement

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Due to the Covid crisis, Long Island Chief Justice Bogel has ordered all courts to be held remotely beginning December 15. If you were scheduled to appear, call the Court Clerk at (516) 627-5000 to reschedule.

Election Results: Mayor Brian Herrington 596, Kate Hirsch 233

  Three (3) Trustee Seats Trustee –  Gary Lewandowski 577 Trustee – Randall Rosenbaum 562 Trustee –  Robert McNamara (dec.) 560 Trustee – Diane Turner 240 Trustee – Jeffrey Greilsheimer 232 Trustee – Jay Silverman 225   Village Justice Dennis Reisman 613

8/11/20 Power Outage Update from Mayor Herrington

Hello-This is the August 11th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. I am happy to report that the Village has had the majority of power restored to residents but pockets of outages still remain. The Village staff and I will not stop until we get confirmation that every resident has had power restored.   Given PSEG’s continued issues with identifying outages I am asking residents without power to call our Village Hall or email us at info@villageflowerhill.org with your address and contact info so we can follow with PSEG as well. Continue to treat downed wires as live and do not approach them.   We are scheduling another limb and branch pick up for this weekend and will provide further details when they have been finalized. We apologize to anyone that we were not able to get to this past Sunday. Some additional updates for everyone:   -PSEG will be doing some surveying of the power lines on the island by helicopter so please do not be alarmed if you hear a low flying helicopter in the area.   -We have been informed that residents are responsible for damaged or displaced mast-poles and must work with their own electricians  … Read more

8/10/20 Update

This is the August 10th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. Yesterday saw significant progress throughout the Village on power restorations for many residents, however PSEG still has more to do. Like many of you I am still without power and continue to get conflicting reports from PSEG. Given all of this I am grateful for all of the out of state support we are receiving and encourage you to thank these men and woman.   Our staff is working tirelessly to stay on top of PSEG with the information you are providing us. Given residents continue to experience outages I am encouraging residents who are still without power to call our Village Hall or email us at info@villageflowerhill.org with your address and contact info so we can follow with PSEG as well.   Due to the extensive damage the multiple crews we had working yesterday to do branch and limb pick up were not able to get through the entire Village. Please do not worry we will be scheduling another pick up day to finish the job.   -Continue to treat downed wires as live and do not approach them   -Please assist any crews that come into  … Read more

8/9/20 Update

Dear Flower Hill Residents, This is the August 9th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. I am excited to report that we are seeing more power restorations throughout the Village and more power crews entering our area. Some crews are doing assessments to prepare for the actual restoration work so please do not get frustrated if crews come in and leave the area. Also, We Care Tree Service is working its way through the Village to take limbs and branches left at the curb. The fact is that too many outages remain and some restorations times are being pushed back until Tuesday. I continue to be in constant communication with PSEG over this continued failure and to provide you with updates. Given this track record of delays I continue to ask residents to prepare for a few more days without power. -Please assist any crews that come into the neighborhood in any way possible many of them are from out of state and may be unfamiliar with the area. If you need to engage them please wear a mask and maintain a social distance of 6 feet. -If you get an update from PSEG that your power has been  … Read more

8/8/20 Update

Hello- This is the August 8th Village of Flower Hill storm recovery update. We have begun to see some power restorations in the Village but most of our outages still remain. I remain in constant contact with PSEG and our other elected officials to express our displeasure with their response to the storm. I called on PSEG yesterday to once again immediately address all downed wires in our Village as they present an immediate safety hazard. In response PSEG dispatched crews and inspections were carried out throughout last night and into the early hours this morning. PSEG’s latest estimates have power being restored thought this weekend and jobs requiring more extensive work taking them into Monday. So I continue to ask residents to prepare for several more days without power. Please assist any crews that come into the neighborhood in any way possible. Please report any new power outages or if you have not reported downed wires to 800-490-0075 immediately. I want to ask everyone to review their safety measures most importantly: -Do not approach any downed wires, all downed wires should be treated as live. -If you are running a generator please also check that your Carbon Monoxide detectors  … Read more

8/7/20 Update

This is the daily storm recovery update for Flower Hill. Like most of you I continue to be without power for a third day and the estimated restoration time has been pushed back to Sunday. The Deputy Mayor and I are regularly driving through the Village to evaluate the situation and communicate with our residents.   Staff continues to report outages to PSEG and provide updates to our residents. If you lost power this morning immediately report it to PSEG at 1-800-490 0075.   Restoration times in the Village vary from tonight through Sunday but based on PSEG’s past performance I cannot believe this and ask that you prepare for several more days without power. I expect rain and possible thunderstorms to hinder efforts as well. PSEG’s response to this storm has been in no uncertain terms a failure and I sent a letter to PSEG yesterday and our state representatives highlighting those failures.   I am also in contact with out other local town, county, and state officials who are advocating on our behalf. The County Executive’s team is working on the traffic light outages on Port Washington Blvd.   -Verizon and Altice have told us they will provide restoration estimates  … Read more

8/6/20 Update

Residents, This is the August 6th storm recovery update. My morning assessment of the Village indicates while some homes have had power restored a majority of the Village is still without power. In talking to PSE&G they say we will continue to see progress through today and tomorrow but some homes may not have restoration until Saturday. I share your frustration with PSE&G and I continue to communicate our disapproval with their response. Besides a continuing communications failure the restoration timeline being moved back for many residents is unacceptable. Currently, village staff are relaying any reported power outages to PSE&G to ensure the company has accurate information for our area.   PSE&G has set up a distribution center for water & ice at 250 Willis Ave. (Roslyn Heights).   If you do see power crews in the area please support them in their work in any way possible and do not take your frustration out on these front line workers.   We have also contacted Verizon and Altice and they are currently evaluating those systems for restoration and will have better estimates once power is restored.   Please do not forget that we have arranged for branches and limbs to  … Read more

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