Do We Have Your Email?
MAKE SURE YOU ARE GETTING ALL THE LATEST VILLAGE UPDATES The Village has two methods of communicating with our residents. For emergencies or urgent notices, we use CODE RED which sends out phone calls and emails. To sign up go to the Village website www.villageflowerhill.org and click on the red and black Code Red icon about three quarters of the page down on the right or just go to https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/BFE7EA49CADF If you do not use a computer, you can call the village office and we will enter the information for you. The other method of communication is our Constant Contact newsletter. This is where the Mayor posts his monthly newsletters and where we post non-urgent messages. To sign up email us at info@villageflowerhill.org You can also follow us on Facebook – Village of Flower Hill.